Chapter Three

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I could hardly comprehend what was happening. He simply watched me with that peculiar look I had noticed earlier. I was completely speechless, sitting stock-still. After a few seconds, he chuckled, turning his attention to the windscreen. "Alright then, I'll just drive and you tell me when to turn." Andy put the car in reverse and backed us up a ways before pulling around to the front of the concert hall and driving onto the road.

The interior of the car was just as clean and sleek as the exterior. It felt so... unused. For all I knew, this could have been the very first time it had ever been driven, it was that spotless. No wear in the leather, no rubbish or wrappers on the seats and floor. I suppose someone must have cleaned it often for it to be in such a fashion.

As we drove, I watched the various buildings pass us by in the dark and the tall streetlights' glow dragging along the sky. I leant my cheek on the polished glass, growing suddenly drowsy. As my eyelids began to dip, I felt a comforting hand gently stroking my left arm, sending me under.


I didn't know how long I had been asleep for but when I woke up, I noticed the car was no longer moving but parked in a deserted parking lot. Still half asleep, I turned my attention to Andy who had been staring out the windshield but as my head spun in his direction, his gaze reached mine. He smiled, his dried warpaint cracking slightly. "Evening, Sleeping Beauty," he addressed me in his deep, warm voice. I groaned quietly, rubbing my hand to my face, swiping my tangled hair away.

"Hey," I said through an audible yawn. "What are we doing here?" I asked in confusion, looking at the vast, empty space in front of us. "I thought you were taking me home?" I added.

"I was, but then you fell asleep and I didn't know where to go. So I thought I'd bring you here until you woke up," he explained.

"How long have I been asleep for?"

"Just a couple of hours," he assured me, though I found no comfort in this. My parents were going to kill me once I got back.

"A couple hours?! My parents expected me back by 11! It's..." I glanced down at my watch, "1:30!" Now I was really panicking. "Um... thanks for all this but I really gotta get home. Like now." I told him urgently. I couldn't believe how bold I was being with him.

"Of course. I'll get you home before you know it." He nodded, starting the ignition.

He pulled out of the parking lot and we were back on the road. I gave Andy the directions home - very gingerly, I must add. After my sudden burst of confidence fuelled by anxiety, I was back to being my awkward and shy self.

During the drive, Andy attempted to make polite conversation with me but I couldn't speak. I was far too nervous of my parents and scared of him. He was one of my idols and here he was driving me home in the middle of the night. This was something I could have never even dreamed of yet here I was, sitting next to him in his sleek sports car. I had to pinch myself just to be sure I wasn't dreaming. This was real.

I watched how his eyes darted from point to point on the road and then occasionally toward me, a friendly smirk playing on his lips. There was so much focus in his eyes, it was unlike anything I'd ever seen in the past. There was a certain deliberation in the way he looked at me, like he was seeing something other than myself. Something more.

We pulled up alongside the curb and as I stepped out of the car, so did Andy. He walked around the car, looming over me. "Well Violet, I suppose this is where we part." I was more than a little saddened that this was the last time I'd ever see him. I had so many questions about him and the band and stupidly enough, I hadn't asked any of them.

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