Chapter Eight

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As the weeks passed me by, I discovered that hanging out with Mikey alone wasn't so bad, anymore. We had been doing it more and more often because Mikey quote unquote "didn't think so much studying was healthy". Honestly, I didn't much argue with him. To have something else to busy myself with other than a textbook was almost relieving.

Almost everyday, Mikey would drag me off into the city to go and enjoy all that it had to offer. Sometimes it was a movie, other times a coffee and on a rare occasion, he'd even drag me into a clothing boutique and watch me try on everything they had to offer.

"You wear so much black, I thought some colour would be a nice change," he had said while handing me a light blue sundress. I scowled at him with the hanger in my hand, grimacing at the girly article. He chuckled, pushing me toward the fitting room.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror and how screwed up my face was. The dress was quite the contrast compared to my ripped jeans, black leather lace-up boots and Breaking Benjamin tee. Reluctantly, I stripped out of my clothing and heaved the monstrosity over my head. As it fell down my body, I felt the air rush past me. It hugged my figure but not overly so, in a sort of flattering way. I looked so much like a... girl.

Hesitantly, I pushed the door open to find Mikey leaning against a wall with his phone in his hand. He looked up almost immediately, hastily stowing his phone into his back pocket. He walked toward me, marvelling at the dress. "You look..." He couldn't even finish his sentence, it seemed.

"Incredibly girly," I said for him in a huff.

"You know, that's not necessarily a bad thing. I... well I, uh... I like it," he told me bashfully. I felt my cheeks heat up at his compliment and had to look away shamefully. Facing the mirror once again, I couldn't help but notice Mikey's obvious grinning from behind me. He looked incredibly pleased while the only expression showing on my face was ungratefulness. I felt suddenly ashamed. He'd gone to quite a bit of effort and I'd thrown it back in his face. Taking a deep breath, I spun back around, a smile plastered on my face.

"You know what? I kinda like it, too." His eyes suddenly lit up. "Thanks for taking me out. I really appreciate it." I loved the way his face almost glowed as I said this to him.

"That's no problem, Violet. Anytime. You just say the word." I nodded and stepped back into the changing room to change out of the dress and back into something I was a little more comfortable in.


It was late in the evening when I returned home, one day. Mikey had walked me as he always did now and the sun was long past the horizon. I had remembered to notify my parents that I had gone out with Mikey so I suffered no repercussions.

As I walked up to the doorstep, I could distinctly hear the sound of footsteps. However, it was not the crisp clatter of shoes stepping along the footpath. Instead, I could hear something walking along the grass and passing by the shrubberies that lined the house. However, when I turned my attention to the direction of the sound, I didn't see anyone or anything and the sound came to an immediate halt. Everything seemed to freeze for a few moments. Desperately, I searched through the darkness, squinting in the low lighting but there was nothing to be seen. It hadn't been real.

I sighed, facing the front door before twisting the handle and stepping inside without a glance back.

Mom and Dad were already at the dining table having their dinner for the night. It was still early - even for them - but I didn't question it and served myself a plate and took my seat with them. They didn't say much, simply lost in their own heads. It wasn't uncommon for them to be this way. They often would eat in silence, only a slight exchange of words.

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