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Life. That's all I can say. Nothing ever turns out the way you want it to. Myself, I wanted to grow old, have a family, be in love, but not everyone gets that.  Not everyone is that lucky.



The bell rang, starting off another dreadful day of high school. Some people may say that I have it all.

I'm the one who is actually responsible and mature out of my social group. I love them though, they're my second family.

First stop, art class.  I'm not into art at all, the only reason I'm in this class is because I'm required to. Of course though I got put in with a few of my best friends.

   "Hey Jessa " squealed Becca, one of my true best friends.
   " Hi Bec" I replied groggily, for it was only 8 a.m.

After talking for a few minutes at her locker,we walked to homeroom, and as usual Becca telling me all the latest gossip. Apparently, are football team actually won a game this Friday. In case you didn't pick up, to put it lightly, are football team sucks. Even though I am in the marching band, I didn't make it to the game last Friday because of my sister being sick. Let's just say she's moms favorite.

After zoning back in to me and Becca's conversation, the bell rang and we proceeded to art class. Unlike me Becca was a talented artist. She could draw anything and make it look good,well better than my representation. Anyways, like usual we talked the whole way to class. The schedule remained this way for ever, of course until today. And that is when I saw it. Or you could say when I saw him.

Life Isn't  Always What They SeemDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora