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Chapter 3

I went home sick that day. I cried my eyes out. I love him. I was the ex-girlfriend he can't forget. I am the ex-girlfriend who killed his only family member left. I am the one who left him alone. I am the one who left him broken-hearted.

In the past few months, history has began to repeat. I'm his girlfriend again, but he doesn't know for the second time. We have went on 3 dates and tonight is soon to be the 4th.   Like usual, I texted Becca because I'm nervous. After all, I have reason to be. Just then, The doorbell rang.

" Hey Baby!" He said and greeted me with a kiss.

" Hey Baby! Where are we going tonight?" I replied.

" It's a secret!"

" But you know I hate surprises and secrets." I giggled and grabbed my purse as we headed out the door.

I got into his big,Blue jean colored, four wheel drive Ford truck and we drove to the lake in the State Game Lands. There, we jammed out to some country music, ate a moonlit picnic, and went fishing.  This event would be forever known as the best date ever. 

He drove me back home, where we were greeted by my overprotective father, for it was only me and him, my mom overdosed when I was 3.

   "Goodnight baby I love you!" He stated and kissed me goodnight.
   "Goodnight Baby I love you too." I replied as I watched him pull out of the driveway and begin his venture home.

It was then I knew I truly loved him. I knew what had to be done. He needed to know the truth. I was going to tell him. I have to.  I thought as I took a knife to my wrists. And as I awoke with fresh scabs over my self-inflicted cuts. I had to. I am going to tell him tonight. I told myself. And that's where the trouble began, later that night.

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