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"What the hell is going on with you?" I yelled at him.

" Nothing babe. I swear." He replied normally.

"Sure, tell me about what I missed."

" Sure, will do!"

He continued to tell me these things that were like-like lies.
He wasn't the same. No way he would do any of this. He hates ear piercings, so why would his be pierced? He hates skinny jeans and comic tees, so why is he wearing them? Even though he looked irresistible, it wasn't him. It was what I have always wanted from him. I had to get home anyways, so why not add a little investigation to my schedule.

As we headed home, I texted Becca everything that happened. You know because that's what best friends do, and she even said it was weird. She said he didn't do that until a month ago. We texted the whole way home. And I carried on Collin and I's conversation. I'm pretty good at multitasking if you ask me.

When I got home, I said goodbye to Collin and snuck back into my bedroom, successfully, without waking my father. I got changed into my pajamas and set the alarm for 10 a.m. Again, Becca texted me saying that there is a dance next week at school. She said she forgot to tell me but remembered now. So, I set a reminder in my phone to ask Collin to the dance tomorrow. I crawled into bed and silently and quickly fell asleep.

The next morning was dreadful. This thing started. I don't know how other to describe other than a voice. A voice in my head. It would not go away no matter how many ibuprofen I took. Am I going crazy? It wouldn't surprise me, but it wasn't my voice only, I was seeing myself next to me, down the hall, following me everywhere. It was hurting me. The pain was agonizing. I started to scream, saw my dad, and again the last thing I saw was black.

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