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What could he possibly want? I'm the person who ruined his life. Why is he talking to me? I needed answers, so I texted him back.

" Hey Collin! Yeah I made it back safe, so what's up? I need info so like what's been going on?"I texted.

" Nothing much really, but it's given me a lot of time to think. We need to talk! Meet me at the old willow?" He replied.

" Sure, what time?"

" Whenever, I don't need you back in the hospital from exhaustion."

" I think I have gotten enough rest. A whole Years worth! So how about 11?" I joked.

" It's a date then. I'll ttyl."

" Wait!"

"What now?"

" What's ttyl mean?"

" Talk To You Later. You have a lot to catch up on. 😂 ttyl, for real now!"

I went downstairs and talked to my dad for a little bit and he caught me up on things in our family life. Apparently, I have a new step brother, well maybe soon-to-be step brother. He hasn't asked her yet. Well after 2 hours of chit-chat with my father, I wished him goodnight and went to get a shower. It was almost 9:30 pm, I needed to get ready.

After showering, fixing my hair, and brushing my teeth, I put on the perfect outfit. The crop top he loved, it fit perfectly with my shape, and the short shorts he said looked amazing. All of this topped with the perfect ponytail and my black converse, and my leather bracelet. After getting ready, I looked at the clock and it screamed 10:45 pm and it was time to go. I grabbed my phone and snuck out the window.

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