What is Happening?

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I arrived at the willow to see nothing has changed . Nothing. So, I went and sat on the swing that my mom hung there when she was 16, and waited. And waited. And waited. No-show, where was his a**. This wasn't like him, so like any other human being would do, I texted him.

" Hey boy where you at?" I said.

" At the Willow where are you?" He replied.

" At the old willow tree, the ones with my moms swing."

" Forgot, they planted a willow in the park. I'll be there in 10."

" Ok ttyl."

So I sat there in the dark for
10 minutes, alone and afraid. When you come out of a coma you tend to be a bit jumpy. I sat there playing possible scenarios that good go down. 1. We get back together again. 2. He dumps me for ever and I have to live broken hearted. And 3. One of us ends up dead.

"Knock knock!" Collin said while knocking on the tree.

" So he lives to!" I replied. " Sure you didn't just stand me up?"

" I'm sure. We need to talk serious business now. Jes-Jo, I don't even know your name, what should I call you know?"

" Call me Jessa. It's my legal name now."

"Okay Jessa, I need answers."

" I know and I'm here to give them to you."

"Why didn't you tell the police you killed Anya?"

"I tried but they turned me away and ruled it a sucide."

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because I knew it would kill you. Just like this."

" Did you actually ever loved me?"

"Of course Collin!" I still do!"

As the questions continued, my head began to pound. He isn't hurt. I can see it in his eyes. Something here isn't right. It doesn't fit. If anything he would have told the police about me. After all I have known Collin for 6 years. And I'm bound to find out sometime,why not now.

" Collin what is really going on here??" I asked.

"Nothing. Why?"

" Because you hate purple, your wearing purple earrings, you got your ears pierced and lost 20 pounds. What the h*ll is going on with you?"

"You are." He replied with the most straight face ever. I just yelled at him how could he not flinch? Something isn't right and I'm gonna find out one way or another.

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