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Chapter 5

The driver of the coal truck called
911. This is my karma. I have never been superstitious, but this time I believed it. From what I could see, Collin and I were bloody messes. The driver had a few deep cuts, but he was okay otherwise. Okay for long enough to call 911. What felt like hours of agonizing pains, was really 10 minutes.
15 minutes later, the sirens became visible. They put me on a gurney and called for another ambulance for Collin. Why didn't they take him first? They needed to. I am not gonna him to let him die, even if it means losing my life.

" Ma'am, what is your name?" Said the first paramedic.
" J-Jessa Morgans " I replied, for that was my legal name.
" We are taking you to the hospital, okay? Stay with us, everything is gonna be. Okay."
" Where's Collin? Is he okay? This should be him not me! "
" He's back at the scene, his injuries weren't as bad as yours. Nothing life-threatening."
" We need to go and get him!" I said as I struggled to get up.
" Sedate her!" The first paramedic said to the second paramedic, who was giving me a sedative. And the last thing I saw was the ambulance walls.
I awoke, laying there surrounded by my family and friends. They all seemed different in a way. Then I saw him standing there. He looked completely healed and stitched up. How could this be I was only asleep for a few hours.
" Go get the doctor, Becca!" Exclaimed my dad.
" Sure thing, sir!" She replied, racing out the door.
I smiled and looked at my dad. He hugged me and for once, I didn't pull away. I usually hate hugs and affection, but he was happy. I couldn't take that away from him. Not this time.
" Well well, looks who's awake!" Stated Dr. Johnson.
" Well I was only out for a couple hours, so you couldn't have missed me that much." I giggled and started to frown seeing everyone's concerned face. What was up? What didn't I know?
"Try a year and 3 months." The doctor finally said , startling me.

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