🤔 To Good To Be True🤔

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" A-A year?" I stated, obviously stunned.
" Technically a year and 3 months." Replied Becca.
" Yes technically she is correct," Dr. Johnson stated giving Becca a glare." You had some serious head injury, but we don't know what caused it. It seemed to be there before."
" What do you mean? What's it from then?" I replied with confusion.
" We don't know yet. But if it's ok with you, and your father, we would like you to come back for further testing and a check-up."
" You mean I can go home?"
" Yes, we will see you next week." He assured me and gave me a friendly hug.

We got all the paperwork filled out, I know already yay 😒,  and headed home and my dad made me my favorite meal. Lasagna, of course my grandma's old recipe.  I was so glad to be home, words couldn't describe the feelings I was feeling. Not the feeling of being home, but the feeling of knowing that what felt like 5 seconds was really a year and 3 months ago  next Tuesday. Nothing could describe that knowledge,feeling, or thought.

The first person to show up was of course Becca. Who else would other than my best friend , I mean she's practically my sister from another mister. I personally know who I wish would show up. I needed answers and he probably needed answers too.
" So give me all the gossip!" I squealed.
" God there's so much!" She replied.
" Bigger stuff first! Duh!"
" OK!  Um, Jenna is pregnant!"
" OMG who's he baby daddy??"
" Get this! Noah!"
" No fricking way!"
" Yes way!"
" GIRLS SUPPER IS READY!" My father called.

  As we went downstairs to the dining room, I smelled the fresh food in the air. It smelled delicious.  The first bite was heaven on Earth.

  As we went back upstairs, Becca and I said our goodbyes and she went home. I went up to my room only to find the most unexpected person blowing up my phone.


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