I want to give up

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My dad came home to find the police talking to me in the living room. I explained to them that what happened didn't happen. I told them that I tripped over the couch and fell on a lego, because that's believable. I'm very clumsy. Surprisingly, they bought it. They left after getting my fathers approval, and my dad set me down on the couch and started interrogating me.

"What really went on Jess? You have been acting weird lately." He exclaimed.

" I have told you everything that is going on." I replied.

"No you haven't, Jessa! Tell me the god*amn truth!" He yelled back.

"What's going on with everybody? I swear it like I'm living in a dream! Everybody's doing what I have always wanted them to do. What the h*ll is going on?"

" Go to your room! Your grounded for 3 weeks! You are the one who has gone crazy, your going back to Dr. Johnson, tomorrow!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

I walked down our long hallway, straight up the old creaky stairs, and straight into my room. I slammed the door and threw myself on my bed.

The neighbors called the cops when they heard me scream, they just did it to make sure I was ok. I was thankful they did though. Now that I'm grounded, I have time to think, time to myself, time to get it together. This is stupid. I am tired of it. How can I get the truth out of them? What should I do?

Bright, but stupid, ideas popped in my head. The voice was gone, but only for a little while. I came up with an idea. One that was so stupid it probably wouldn't work, I would probably just end up in more trouble. So, I went to gather up what I needed. I couldn't stand not knowing the truth anymore.

"Here's to the truth!" I said while drinking an ounce of bleach, and cutting my wrists, legs, and arms.

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