The final result?

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                         Chapter 4

I pulled out my phone and texted Collin to come over. He said he was in his way over, so I had about a half hour until he got here to prepare myself. He was about to find out everything. The truth. About half an hour later, he showed up.

   "Hey Babe, we need to talk." I said showing the expression of nervousness.
   " What's up Babygirl? Is everything okay?" He replied obviously worried I was going to end things.
  " I guess we just should talk."
  " Can we at least go to the lake to talk? It is just so peaceful there. Plus, I just don't want anyone to here us, and by that j mean your father."
  " I guess." I replied grabbing my coat and heading to the truck.

My head was racing. We drove for at least 45 minutes with no conversation at all. This lake was a hour drive. I couldn't stand it anymore, i was done with secrecy. Forever.
   "Collin! I am the one who killed Anya! It's me from Virginia! Me and my father moved and changed our names! It's me Joleen Harrison!"  I yelled, bursting into tears.
   "...wh-what?" He replied with a stutter.

I grabbed a make-up wipe from my purse and took off all the make-up contouring I had done. I took out the contacts and styled my hair in a ponytail, like I used to. His face was in complete shock.
  " I didn't mean to! We were at your house and you were sleeping and I thought she broke in and I thought she was an intruder and I-I stabbed her!" I sobbed.
  " ....How could you? How could you lie to me all this time? Were you planning to kill me too? " He yelled obviously angered and scared.
  " No I'm not I swear I thought she was an intruder! I should have told you earlier I know, but I fell in love with you!"
" Well, to think I was going to give you this! You don't deserve it! 9 Months! I lost 9 months because of you! You belong in Prison! You deserve to rot in a prison cell! You killed her! You killed Anya!" He exclaimed  pulling out an engagement ring and throwing it on the floor.
" Can you please pull over? Your gonna kill us!"
" Fine"
" Just know I'm really sorry and I really do love you Collin."

He pulled over and we argued it out. We were there for 3 hours. 3 whole hours. He agreed to drive me home as long I stayed out of his life completely. About halfway home, tragedy struck. The truck was hit by a Coal Truck, his brakes were faulty. The rest of the night was spent in the E.R.

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