Chapter 1: Trippin' in a Dark Alley (NOT LIKE THAT DUDE WOW)

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Ugh, my head hurts.
I remembered instantly everything that had happened and my eyes flew open, and quickly glanced around.
It was nighttime, obviously. I was in some kind of city alleyway. Tall buildings that shot up into the sky created the walls of the alley. They were built from a dirty tannish-gray stone that gave the place an even gloomier look.
I headed towards the closest end to the alley and tripped on something big, naturally.
"Wha...? Ty?" a voice said drowsily.
"Jordan?" I asked, seeing his figure get up and brush the dirt from the ground off himself.
"Ty? Where are we?" he asked, glancing around.
"Candyland," I sighed sarcastically. "I don't know! I just woke up, too! We must have passed out from that big light ball thing from Nightmare Notch."
Jordan's eyes widened. "I forgot! Nightmare Notch! The spell must have teleported us away from there, and sent us to here...wherever here is," he thought out loud.
"Well, where's everyone else?" I asked, glancing around. Then Jordan tripped over something, too. It was really not our day.
Jordan stumbled to his feet. "God! It's so dark-"
The thing that Jordan had tripped over was Pinkie, who was already bouncing on her hooves.
"Hey, Pinkie..." Jordan said, looking cautiously around to make sure we wouldn't trip on anyone else.
"I think it's just us three here," I said to him. "Everyone must have split up into groups when we were teleported or whatever."
Pinkie stared at me. "WHAT?"
"Remember Nightmare Notch?"
".......OHHHHHHHHH," she said, her mouth forming a big circle.
"Maybe you should be quiet, it's like, dead silent here, and this place is kind of creepy, not gonna lie," Jordan suggested.
"Well, we should go and see what's here. Like, where we are. And where we can find everyone else. And stop Nightmare Notch. So, yeah," I said, continuing towards the end of the alley.
I poked my head out and got a good look at my surroundings.
It was a city. A big one. With skyscrapers and everything. Different sizes and heights, but all in the same assortments of depressing tones, from Dirty Dust to Sandy Shadow to other depressing colors I would name later.
The street was large and cracked, and very dusty and dirty. Lampposts lined the road, but only about a third of them were actually on, casting shallow yellow circles of light that occasionally flickered or buzzed.
The night sky was clear as can be, all stars shown and a full moon that didn't move.
A couple of figures walked hurriedly down the sidewalks, all alone and heading in different directions. They all seemed to be wearing hoods and cloaks, anything that seemed to keep them hidden.
Everything was dead silent.
"Creeeepyyyy," Pinkie whispered.
"Well, we should start looking for something," Jordan said, and walked out onto the sidewalk. He looked around. "Maybe we could ask someone for help, or directions, or if they've seen any of our friends?"
"Sounds gud," I agreed. I turned to a cloaked figure who was walking our way, looking a little confused and hesitant as it got closer to us.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
The figure froze. "...Y-yes?"
"Hi! Have you by any chance happened to see our friends?" Pinkie said with a bright smile that contradicted everything around us.
"Um...n-no..." the figure said, and scraped a hoof on the ground uncomfortably. Hoof? I looked down. Yes, pony hooves. It was a pony, but I didn't recognize the voice.
Suddenly, the figure's head jerked up. ", I gotta go!" the pony said, panicked, and ran past the three of us and ran down the sidewalk. We watched her go, her hooves seeming to echo off everything in this silent city.
"Well she wasn't very nice!" Pinkie said with a frown.
"Yeah, it was like she was scared to talk to us or something," Jordan said.
"Pinkie, it was a pony under the cloak...did you recognize that voice at all?" I asked.
Pinkie tilted her head to the side. "Well, it sounded kind of like...ah, never mind. It couldn't be. Even if it was, you wouldn't know her."
"Okay then," Jordan said. "Maybe we should try someone else?"
"There's a someone else!" Pinkie declared, pointing to another cloaked figure, who was walking quickly towards us.
"Uh, they look kind of interested in us..." I said uncertainly.
"Hi!" Pinkie greeted the stranger. I could tell that this was a Minecraftian under the cloak.
The stranger seemed to completely ignore Pinkie. "Jordan? Ty?" it said in a dumbfounded voice. The voice sounded familiar, but...different. I couldn't tell why.
"Who...who are you?" Jordan said, looking a little nervous.
The stranger took off its hood and shook out his hair, staring at us with wide eyes.
"Seto?" I asked.
Yep, it was definitely Seto. But he looked...tougher than when I had last seen him. More grim, a bit older, maybe?
"What are you doing here?" I asked him, beckoning to the gloomy, dirty city around us.
"The better question is, what are you doing here?" Seto asked, staring straight at me. "We thought you guys were dead!"

Nightmare In Minequestria: Book 3 of a Mlp/TC TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now