Chapter 17: Raids with Manticores?

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"Uggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Adam groaned.

"Oh, suck it up! You're lucky nobody was seriously hurt," Rainbow reminded him.

"And that we didn't think you were Changelings," Quentin added.

We were all cleaning up the training hall, and any other part of the facility that hadn't been damaged. When the fight wzs over, Twilight, Cadance and Button had ran to the bedrooms, to find, relieved, that Shining had defended Sweetie Belle and the rooms themselves from the occasional changeling that came.

Now, we were 'preparing,' as Celestia had said. For what? We weren't exactly sure. but probably for when another attack occured; who knows what by. An army of Enderman? Cockatrices, whatever those were? More Changelings? Maybe even Nightmare Notch himself...nevermind. Let's not worry about that now, heheh...

"This place is cool!" Spike said excitedly. After the attack, we were able to teleport the dragon in.

"There's something we're all forgetting," Bonks spoke up, ad everyone turned to face her.

"Chrysalis was wearing Herobrine's amulet! Did anyone take it back from her?" Bonks asked. Everyone was silent.

"So...even though she attacked us, and failed, she still has the amulet! The Changelings must have stolen it in the first place, then. That could explain why she was so powerful in the first place," Bonks reasoned.

"But...she still has the amulet," Shining pointed out. "Who knows what she's gonna do? HIde it? Attack again? Give it to Nightmare Notch?"

"Discord?" Celestia suddenly asked.

"Yes, Celestia, my friend?" Discord replied from where he was re-lighting torches on the walls with Fluttershy."

"You said you knew the location of the Changeling base, right?" Celestia asked. "Why, of course," Discord replied. "I was busy infesting it with Cockatrices, remember?"

"Ohh, no. Oh no no no," I said, shaking my head and hands. "We are not attacking the Chagneling base. We'd still need to recover...right?" Celestia gave a small chuckle."Don't be ridiculous, Ty. We are not attacking the Changeling base."

"Sister..." Luna said cautiously, knowing something was about to happen.

"Discord," Celestia asked in a quite, polite voice, and a delicate smile, "Would you happen to know the location of NIghtmare Notch's base?"

"OH NO NO NO NO," Bash said loudly."Wait, WHAT?"

" plan to launch an attack on Nightmare Notch himself?" Luna asked her sister with wide eyes. Celestia gave a small nod with that smile still on her face.

"Why, yes, I do, actually. I could try and get a manticore or two in there beforehand, if you wish," Discord replied enthusiastically.

"Uh...I don't think that is the best of ideas at the time..." Jordan said with raised eyebrows. "Why not?" Celestia asked.

"Well, we were jus' attacked by Changelings, for starters," Applejack pointed out.

"Well, nopony was actually seriously injured with something they'd need more than a couple day-worth's to recover from, right?" Celestia pointed out. "Well, there wasn't really any injuries that big..." Twilight pointed out.

"Yeah, but we can't just go rushing into the base, right?" Vinyl asked.

"We wouldn't be rushing in to the base exactly," Luna pointed out. "We would of course take a few days to recover, and to devise a strategy on our means of attack. Besides, this Changeling raid cannot go unnoticed."

"She has a point..." Mitch said uncertainly.

"Also, we have a bunch of new allies now, too!" Pinkie chimed in.

"You know...give it a couple days of course, but would a raid on Nightmare Notch's base really be that bad of an idea?" Doctor Whooves asked thoughtfully. Jerome nodded enthusiastically. "They wouldn't see it coming!"

"Alright, then!" Bonks exclaimed. "Who says we should plan a raid on Nightmare Notch's base?"

Everyone raised their hand/hoof. Except for Fluffle Puff, who just gave an approving "Om." Damn, she was still going to town on that tie. How long would that last, anyways? I mean, we could always give her Bodil's tie when she finished on Jerome's. If she ever finished on Jerome's.

"Then, It's settled!' Celestia declared. "In a few day-worth's, the MMG and its newlyformed allies shall launch an attack on Nightmare Notch's base and forces!" And with that, everyone cheered in agreement.

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