Chapter 24: Going In

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You know that feeling when everyone else seems to know what's going on except you?
Yeah, that's basically me right now.
Apparently there was a secret plan I wasn't told about, which meant it was very secret indeed.
Rainbow and I finally got out of the tunnels, and she took off into the sky without any real warning (Rainbow in a nutshell). I opened my wings and flew after her, only a bit shaky at first. I was getting really good at flying, and I was proud!
Rainbow flew into an apartment building window, and I followed, relieved to be flying through a window on purpose for once. At least the window was already opened.
Inside the cramped room was Princess Cadance.
"Cadance? What are you doing here?" I asked. The pink alicorn just smiled. "Helping get this secret plan done. Now, just one question; are you good at annoying and distracting people?"
"Pfffffffffffffffffffffffff," I snorted.
"I'll take that as a yes," Cadance said. "Great. So, just do as I say, and this secret plan can go into action..."
I couldn't believe I was doing this as Rainbow and I walked down the halls once again.
"We just gotta find Nightmare Notch," Rainbow had assured me.
As we turned a corner, we saw Fluttershy and Discord wandering the halls. "What are you guys doing here?!" Rainbow exclaimed. Fluttershy smiled. "Oh, Discord and I were just making sure that there's no more mobs left."
"The battle's over?" I asked. I wanted to do more fighting...
"Not exactly, everyone's just gathered in that arena thing," Discord explained. "Didn't you hear? The fourth and first fleets defeated Herobrine and took him hostage."
Rainbow and I grew wide smiles. "Wow! Seriously? That's awesome!" Rainbow exclaimed.
"GG!" I chimed in.
"It's not a good game yet, Mitch," Discord told me sternly, raising a white brow. "They still need to get Nightmare Notch, of course."
"Oh. Right. Can you take us to the arena, then?" I asked.
"Of course! Just follow us," Fluttershy told us, and her and Discord headed down one of the halls.
We reached the arena shortly. It was basically a big stone bowl with rows of seats all around. There had been a large pool of water below, but now there was only a stone floor. Standing below on the stone floor was the first fleet and the fourth fleet. On the seats behind them were whom I was guessing was the third and second fleets.
There was a ledge above the stone floor, where Nightmare Notch was standing, frowning down at the fleets below. Behind him some of the seats were filled with mobs.
"Just give up already!" Twilight exclaimed. "We have Herobrine. We've beat most of your army!"
Nightmare Notch just laughed at them, like he always did. "You've come this far, but I don't need that fool Herobrine. Don't even try to bargain with me for that maggot."
"You know what you have to do, right?" Rainbow whispered to me from where we watched at the top of the arena. I nodded, remembering what Cadance had told me...
"The only way that Nightmare Notch can truly be defeated is with the Elements of Harmony," Cadance had explained. "But, even though they don't have those, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Applejack all now know enough magic to be able to perform the spell the Elements of Harmony are needed for without the Elements."
"Okay, so why do you need me?" I asked.
"Well, even if they can do the spell, it still won't be as strong," Cadance explained, "So if Nightmare Notch saw it coming, then he could probably be able to deflect it altogether. What we need is a distraction, and you're the perfect one!"
I frowned. "Why me?"
Cadance raised an eyebrow. "Your wings."
I snapped back into the present, where I was on top if the arena, looking down into the stony bow below.
"I'm going in!" I said, and flew down.

Nightmare In Minequestria: Book 3 of a Mlp/TC TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now