Chapter 19: The Fourth Fleet

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Shining Armor smiled at me brightly. "You heard me! You're on the fourth fleet."

I blinked in confusion. "The...fourth fleet," I repeated.

"Yup!" Shining agreed.

"The...the one for the stealthy people."


"You want me."


"Why? Am I significantly stealthy in any way?" I asked confusedly.

"Well, you ARE good at Cops N' Robbers," Adam pointed out. He was going in the first fleet.

"And we'll be using Potions of Invisibility anyway, but you can be quiet when you want to," Seto added. He was also on the fourth fleet with me.

"I can't!" Adam exclaimed with fake pride.

The stealth fleet, or the fourth fleet, was made up of me, Seto, Luna, Pinkie, and Bonks.

Yeah, Pinkie. I didn't ask, either. She most likely was a stealth master and was going to surprise us somehow.

Everyone started breaking up into their groups/fleets, leaving the five of us in our own group.

Like the plan had said, the first fleet would be the first to break into the base, while Rainbow, who had been specifically chosen to watch over them, would notify the second and third fleets as soon as possible of the first fleet's success/failure. Everyone would be launching attacks against Nightmare Notch's forces.

However, by that time our fleet would have already been deep within the base, most likely close to or with Nightmare Notch himself. We would try our best to keep him busy, or just lie in wait while Luna was supposed to send some sort of signal with her magic for backup. Then, gg Nightmare Notch! (Hopefully.)

"First fleet! Head out!" Celestia ordered, and about ten ponies and minecraftians, including Twilight and Discord, exited through the front door, going up the spiral stairs to the surface, where Discord would lead them.

"Fourth! Follow them!" Celestia called, and we set out.

Once the door behind us was closed, and we were at the bottom of the spiral stairs leading up, Seto threw a potion of invisibility at the ground, and we all disappeared into thin air.

"I'm putting an invisibility enchantment on us, too, in case the potion wears off," A glowing blue light said. It was Luna. But all you could see was her horn glowing. Hah.

"Oooo! We're invisible!" Pinkie gasped excitedly. She must be going to surprise us somehow with her...stealth skills. I hoped.

We moved as quickly and quietly as possible, keeping the first fleet in sight but not getting too close. We were just there to follow to the dome, we were going to find another way in, where Luna would open the door. Not only was she a very stealthy pony (being princess of the night and all) but she was also pretty good with magic herself.

Once we finally arrived at the dome, the first fleet started walking to the left staying close by the dome.

"They're looking for a passage," Luna explained from somewhere in front of me. "We'll be heading the other way."

We started circling the dome to the right, everyone following the sound of each other's foorsteps and Luna's glowing horn, which was looking to detect any magical enchantments.

Suddenly, blue sparks shot up.

"Got it!" Luna announced. "Bonks, Seto, could you help me get this entrance enchant off?"

Pinkie and I stood off to the side while deep purple, light blue, and cyan sparks flew, trying to disable the forcefield. (I was assuming Pinkie was nearby.)

"Pinkie?" I asked. She was here, right?

"Hi Ty!" Her loud, happy voice called right in my ear. I jumped back and gave a small cry of shock.

"Oops. We're on a mission, sooorrie," Pinkie whispered.

Then, I heard her voice whisper in my other ear. "Hiiiii Tyyyyy."

"Just making sure you're here," I muttered back. Pinkie giggled. "Of course I'm here, silly!"

So this is what they probably put Pinkie on the fourth fleet for. Her ability to destroy the fourth wall. Seriously. She can sort of teleport, as in appear somewhere then appear another place the next. I wasn't sure what to think if it, but it could probably be defined as sneaky if you were using that strange power or whatever to actually be sneaky.

"Aaand we're in!" Bonks whisper-exclaimed.

We went down as quietly into the cave system's entrance (that had opened up through the floor) as possible, not encountering anything or anyone until we went down a small flight of stairs, where a wither skeleton bearing a sword walked by.

We all froze and held our breaths, but he walked right by us. I was assuming everyone had flattened themselves against the walls, like I had.

"Close one," I heard Seto muttered.

"Let's keep going," Luna advised.

I tried to remember the cave system when I had been here a couple days ago (it was actually four years, but you get what I'm saying). The throne room was down some big, long hallway right? With big fancy iron doors, if I wasn't mistaken. We hadn't seen anything like that yet, though.

We kept on exploring the halls, knowing each other was there because we were all using some kind of magical aura-sensing spell Luna had taught us. Everything was quiet and uneventful as we passed by, mind the occasional skeleton guard or two patrolling the systems.

"Hey!" Pinkie whispered, catching my attention and snapping me out of thought.

At the end of the hallway we were walking down, there were two halls that went opposite directions, making these halls feel like they were T-shaped.

Two large, familiar iron doors could be seen at the end. A skeleton was guarding each door.

"Let's go," Luna whispered. "They won't be much trouble."

And the Fourth Fleet attacked.

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