Chapter 22: What's Nightmare Notch's Favorite Color?

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Nightmare Notch

Oh, I'm not an idiot, I knew the MMG was launching an attack on is today.
I just didn't really do anything about it. I was looking forward to destroying them. I knew every inch of their plan, anyways. The First and Fourth fleet were trying to make an effort to capture my unstoppable friend Herobrine, and the Second and Third fleets (and any backup fleets) were supposed to be trying to destroy and drive back my forces to get to me.
Why do I know all of this, you ask?
Because I'm Nightmare Notch, that's why!
(I actually just had some mobs spy on them).
I have so much magical power I was able to take over and control two of the most powerful, magical dimensions in the entire universe, create a new dimension for its inhabitants to live in, and still drain their magical energy to a minimum today!
Except...apparently, I'd forgotten a few, like those MMG pests, for instance. And those 'Statue Patrons', but how was I supposed to know they'd be traveling through the future from that magical blast I tried to destroy them with, therefore leaving them to technically not have existed for four years?
I thought they would just be destroyed. That's all I ever do, really. The only thing I didn't destroy was Minequestria. I did the exact opposite with Minequestria.
I stood thinking these thoughts to myself in the place nobody would be expecting to look...I wasn't in the underground tunnels below the dome where our base was, I was above ground, in the dome! They all must have thought it was just for show, or a reminder of the Statue Patron's failure, but it really could come in handy.
There was still the large, gaping hole in the ground from where I had arisen from Herobrine's lab four years ago. I wonder if there was any useful stuff in there? I hadn't really ever checked it out.
I easily hopped down to look around. I remembered this was where he had made me the stronger being I am today. It had felt so good to be good to good to-
"Hey, what's up?"
I whipped around to see a relaxed pegasus mare laying down on top of one of the large cages in the corner, one hoof dangling off the side. Her mane was a startling mix of rainbow colors, and her coat was cyan. I was guessing this was Rainbow Dash (I didn't know many of he MMG members, I just knew their plan and how they would go about it).
"What are you doing here?" I snarled, spreading my large black wings to look intimidating.
The rainbow mare didn't even flinch. "Nothing much. You?"
She was taking to me as if I was some sort of...friend!
"I'm not telling you my business here! Now scram before I get rid of you myself!"I ordered her sternly.
"That's not very nice," a different voice said behind me.
I whipped around again to see a minecraftian in a blue spacesuit sitting on a crafting bench on the other side of the room.
"When did you get here?" I snarled. "When did you get here?" The minecraftian replied calmly.
"What do you two want? If you're planning to take me on yourselves, I suggest you leave now if you like your life!" I growled.
"Oh, nothing, we're just here to stall-I mean, chat with you," the rainbow mare replied.
"Stall?!" I roared.
"What's your favorite color?" a gray pegasus mare with crossed eyes standing next to me asked.
"Now when did YOU get here?!" I roared.
The rainbow mare sat up and looked around, her ears twitching. "That's our cue," she said to the minecraftian and the pegasus.
"Cue? What cue?" I demanded, but the three all disappeared in a flash of a magic color.
"Those MMG scum and their magic! It should be mine!" I roared to nothing, since the room was now empty. What had those vermin been stalling me for? Why did I have this bad feeling? Was this, perhaps...fear?
"NO," I sternly told myself. I was Nightmare Notch. I had taken over two of the most powerfully magical dimensions in the universe, and created a new dimension for the inhabitants of the universes. My plan would go correctly, I would be able to conquer even more dimensions, until I had the entire universe.
Everything would work out fine.

Nightmare In Minequestria: Book 3 of a Mlp/TC TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now