Dr. Facilier (Princess & the Frog)

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As a street performer in New Orland's money can be pretty tight, but hey it's life you got to keep working and going on. You see I'm not just a street performer I also work at this place called Duke's Cafe with my childhood friend Tiana. I'm heading there in half an hour to start my shift, but first I got a few songs I need to do with the fellas.
"Hey Y/n lets start it up we got a crowed coming!" yelled Billy.

"Alright I'm a coming hold your horses. Will yah?"

"So fellas how about rolling on the river?" I asked the guys.

"Sounds like a deal." stated Jake while cleaning his trumpet.

I got up from my side of the curb and dusted the dirt of my f/c dress. "Okay boys give me the beat, cause here comes the group of galls and their guys." I stated. With that the guys and I started and the group stated to gather around us. We have just started to pickup the pace were Billy takes the lead. When I notice a man in a purple vest with a black coat over it, black pants, and a interesting top hat. I see he is watching me dance along with the beat. In all honesty he is quite attractive but then again I get this weird feeling when I'm dancing by him. Soon the ladies are taking there fellas by the hand and dancing alongside me. I was just about to help finish the song when I saw something out of the corner of my eye that was all black.

The next thing I know I'm falling backwards. I close my eyes and wait for the impact of the hard graveled road to hit my back, but it never came.

I open my eyes to see light violet ones starting into my e/c ones. I look up a little higher to find he was the man who was wearing the top hat, he caught me, and it looks as if he was dipping me.
I look back at his face he is attractive with those violet eyes and a little mustache.
" I umm" I studded. He looked at me and gave me a smirk

"I think your cue is coming up." He whispered in a low voice.

Oh his voice it could make any girl in my position knees weak. I nodded not being able to trust my own voice. He slowly brought me up from the dip while I started to sing.

- Rolling, rolling, rolling, on a river!-

He spins me and then goes down into the splits and comes back up faster than a grasshopper.

- Rolling, rolling, rolling, on a river!-

And with that the song was over. Everyone was clapping and whistling. I take a little bow and so does the band. People start putting money in the hat and leaving, some stay to talk to the band. I was just about to see if I could find that man who caught me when.

"Well doll you are the bees knees."

I turn around so fast I about gave myself whiplash. It's him tall and lanky yet very handsome. It seems that the weird feeling I had earlier is still there, but it has turned into curiosity. Standing there with his grin that would put the Cheshire cat to shame.

"Why thank you sir. I would also like to thank you for caching me earlier. And might I say you have some fine moves ever considered being a street performer?" I asked while putting a hand on my hip. His grin only grew.

"Well doll it was no trouble at all. And I actually am a performer." He stated while walking a little closer yet not to close.

"Oh really. What do you do?" I asked with one eye brow cocked. He gave a light chuckle at my position and started to lean on a cane of the sorts. Were did that thing even come from?

"Well, I do magic. Read people's future, card tricks, illusions, and so on." He stated in a bored tone while motioning his had in a circle. "So can I have the dancing beauty's name?" While leaning closer on his can to me. Right now I'm trying to hind my blush, yet I can still feel my checks heating up like on a warm summers day.

"Only if I get yours." I stated while leaning closer to him. I have had to put up with men flirting with me before I usually tell they to head on home, but this man is different. I didn't even know I new how to flirt!

"Nope I asked you first."

"Fine it's Y/n. Now what's yours sugar?" I asked in a playful tone.

"Dr. Facilier miss Y/n" Facilier said with a bow while taking off his hat.

"Well Dr. It's nice to meet you and I would love to stay and chat but I have other commitments to attend to." with a little bow of my own and then turn on my heel to walk over to Duke's Cafe.

"Will I get to meet up again Ms. Y/n?" He shouted to me.

I gave a small laugh then shouted
"Off course! I would like you to read my future with those card tricks of yours!" And with that I continued down the road to the cafe.

Dr. Facilier POV

Wow was all I could think while she walked away. I didn't even notice my mouth was open till my shadow closed it for me. I look over at him and smirked "Nice job with getting her attention." I mutter to him while giving him a high five. Yes it may have not been a great way but hey she fell for me. "I can't wait Y/n till I can read your future cause I know you will see more of me." I mutter to myself while turning on my heel to see if I can get something to eat with my shadow on my tail, giving me a knowing smirk.

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