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Callie's POV:

It's that time of year again. Reaping day. No I'm not worried I'll be picked! Because everyone in District 2 volunteers from our special academy. I never went to that academy. Since mom and dad are working in the Capitol as PeaceKeepers, my older sister Clove has been watching out for me. Even though she went in the hunger games and won, she can be a little over protective of me. She doesn't even want to look back at her nights in that arena. Even though living in the Victor's village keeps the thought in mind, we both try to stay away from anything that involves death.

I walk upstairs to get my Reaping clothes on. A bright yellow sun dress with a Dandelion to go in my hair. Clove comes to my room to do my hair. We're pretty silent on Reaping day. Anything could happen. I've tried to calm Clove down previous years but she is always nervous for me.

Once we are both ready, we set out to the Justice Building. They take a blood sample from me and scan it.

Their reader says Leaflen, Callie and they tell me to move along. I walk to the 14 year old girls side and look around to find where Clove is standing. Since she is a Mentor now, she's on the stage right next to the mayor and the escort Frostine. After everyone in District 2 is here, Frostine stands up and walks over to the microphone. "Welcome everybody!" She says in her high pitched Capitol accent. "To the 80th Annual Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in your favor!" I look at Clove. She is nervously waiting and playing with her rings. "As usual, ladies first." Frostine walks over to the big glass bowl full of the girls names. I'm in there 3 times, but it's always unlikely. A few years back, a twelve year old who had their name in there once got picked. But that only happened once.

Frostine reaches her hand down in the bowl. Her hand digs deep in the pile and finally she grasps one in her hand. She walks over to the mic and opens the paper. She clears her throat. "Callie Leaflen!" Wow. I don't think I've ever seen Clove turn that bright red. I'm walking up to the stage. I'm not scared. I'm just waiting for someone from the academy to volunteer for me. I'm on the stage. When will someone volunteer??? I turn to Clove. I mouth to her It'll be ok. I turn back to the crowd waiting for someone to step forward. No one does. Frostine continues with her job and picks the boy tribute. "Kaiden Moore!" "I volenteer!" Oh sure. Volunteer for the 16 year old boy but not the 14 year old girl! Ugh! The boy comes up onto stage proudly as District 2 claps for him. Wow. Really??? HELLO??? "What is your name son?" Frostine asks him. "Blake Jensen." He says proudly. "Well now," Frostine says, "Callie Leaflen and Blake Jensen. This year's hunger games tributes from District 2!" Everyone claps again. We turn to go out to the train.

Clove is pail now. I feel really bad for her. This is the exact OPPOSITE of what she wanted. We get on the train and explore the beautiful Capitol train cars. I go into my room and put my stuff down. I look around and find the TV remote. I turn it on and watch some of the previous Hunger Games. I go through them one by one. Then I come across Clove's Hunger Games. I watch it very carefully to see if I could get any strategies. I did get some stuff out of her techniques. I took out a note pad and made a list of good survival skills.

1. Always stay with the Career pack

2. Always have a knife in hand

3. Hide in trees if alone

4. Don't start a fire

5. Kill everyone at the Cornicopia

6. Get a lot of sponsors

7. Have plenty of food and water

8. Stay alive

9. Win

10. Please the audience and Clove.

Number ten could be a little challenging, but what's life without challenges and risks? Boringness!

I guess its till tomorrow to see what happens next!

The Victor's SisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang