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Callie's POV:

Training day.

I get up and change into the outfit for this years training sessions. I don't know what I'm going to show the gamemakers.

I go down to the training center and look around at all the other tributes practicing things. I see that the knife throwing station is open so I go there first.

I hit start and I grab a few knives. Dummies pop up out of now where and start coming towards me. I throw a knife at one and it lands right in its heart. It falls backwards and more come near me. I throw them all down and the rest of the Career pack stands behind me clapping. I guess knife throwing is in my blood thanks to Clove.

District 1 introduces themselves to me. The girl tribute's name is Violet, and the boy tribute's name is Bolt. Blake is over training with the spears and Bolt eventually goes to the swords station. Violet is really good with a bow and arrow.

After I practice with all the weapons, I go down to the fire building station. I complete all the stations and still don't know what to do for the private training with the gamemakers. But I guess it's too late to think right now. Because I'm already making my way to the waiting room. I wait a few minutes, but being District 2, I'm going pretty soon.

I walk into the training room and look around. The gamemakers look a little impatient. I then get a crazy idea.

I get a wood board from the building station and a knife. I then carve out the words "VICTOR'S SISTER" in it. I then climb up the plastic tree 25 feet away from it. Through the branches, I throw 2 knives and dot the I's in Victor and Sister. I then climb back down and set the wood on fire.

I walk away and bow before I make it to the door. Peacekeepers rush out to set the fire out. I'm already out before Blake goes in. He looks at the flames in horror and turns back to me. I have an evil smile across my face.

When I get back to my room, I tell Clove what I did. She was really proud of me. I guess we both want me to be "The Victor's Sister".

Frostine turns on the TV and Polly arrives just as they begin to announce the tributes scores.

District 1:

Bolt- 9

Violet- 8

District 2:

Blake- 9

Callie- 10

Everyone jumps up and cheers. Blake looks shocked. I got a higher score than him! Ha!

Once we watch the rest of the scores, I notice that I got the highest score out of everyone! I'm so proud! I may be only 14, but man am I dangerous!

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