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Callie's POV:


All is quiet.

Not a single cricket chirps. The wind has frozen in midair. My eyes are shut. My ears are ringing.

My eyes shot open to a white ceiling. I sit up with medical supplies surrounding me. Someone knocks at the door.

"Come in." I say quietly. I feel like I haven't heard my own voice in forever.

Clove storms in and rushes to my side. She hugs me and I feel her tears drop on my arm.

"It's time to go." She says. I give her a questioned look.

"Wha--What do you mean?"

She closes the windows and pull down the shade. Then she goes to the other side of the room and locks the door.

"What's going on Clove? Where are we?"

She sits on my bed, and looks into my eyes.

"The Capitol is after us."

"What?" I reply with confusion.

"Snow is angry with me. I did everything in my right mind to keep you alive. From telling you in the arena about Tyla. To setting you up with the career pack."

"What do you mean?"

"Violet and Blake were both in on it. I gave them the Mockingjay pin in exchange for your life. Snow considers it all as 'cheating'. Speaking of which, do you have it?"

I nod and pull it out of my pocket. I don't remember getting it, but I suppose now that Violet put it in my pack before she died. Clove takes it from my hand and she zippers it in her pocket.

She grabs my hand and pulls me from my bed. She opens a vent on the ceiling, and we climb into it.

"Where does this go?" I whisper to Clove.

"Out." Clove whispers back unconfidently. We crawl our way in the dark, until a tinted light from far down the tunnel shows and we race for it.

Clove breaks it open and jumps out. Clove may or may not know what or where we are going, but I faithfully follow. I jump onto hard concrete of the Capitol. We are right on the edge of the electric fence.

We tunnel under it, avoiding touching it, or being seen on camera. Everyone in Panem could be watching you for all you know.

Then we run into the woods, leaving nothing.

Nothing, but the memory.

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