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Callie's POV:

I bolt awake as a sharp light touches my hand. Fire!

I break out of my shell and dive to the ground. The whole tree is on fire! Who could have done this? And great. It's nightfall! I won't make it back to the Cornucopia in time before the mutations come out!

I stand there watching my endless food supply and only water burn to ashes. I hear a crunching of a twig behind me. The District 12 girl raises her knife to my face. She's smaller than me, but she's tough.

"Give me back my sister's Mockingjay pin." She says.

I eyes widen.


I pull out my pockets and say, "it's up in the tree."

"Well, go get it!!"

"It's burning up!"

"I don't care!" She yells, "Get it and give it to me, or die!"

I hesitate for a moment, but then I go up and grab it just as the flames touch it. I throw it at Prim and she makes a run for it as a fiery tree branch catches on her hoodie. Boom!

I run back to her and grab the pin. I guess the odds are only in me and my sister's favor. Now it's me, and the boy from 7.

I wander to the winter arena, avoiding the death trap of fresh, ice cold water. The sun begins to set faster than it needed. The clouds rumble with anger. Drops of rain soak into the snow. It's starting to melt. The ice cracks beneath my feet. I run slowly, watching each step. Thunder rolls on, and a bolt of lighting strikes the mutation tree. All the mutations come running out.

The dust tornado from the desert arena enlarges and whips around until it reaches the spring arena, destroying it. It seems as though, the threat from each arena is breaking out of its quarter and taking over it all.

The wind wisps my hair in every direction. It appears as though the force field from the edge of the arena is enclosing in to the center of the whole arena. The Cornucopia will be the only thing left standing. I look and turn to the Cornucopia. My feet are frozen to the ground. I try and run. My feet give way and I sprint to the metal building. The District 7 boy beats me too it, and picks up a knife. He throws it right at me.

I shut my eyes, ready to die.

Fortunately, the dust tornado turn the wind at last second, and the knife just barley clipped my ear. I pick it up off the ground and climb onto the Cornucopia. The boy is looking down at something beneath us. The ground below is gone.

He turns around and grasps my wrists. He pushes me to the edge and holds my head over nothingness. I reach for the strength within me. I push back and he goes flying backwards. I grab my knife, and listen to the sweet sound of the last cannon boom.

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