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Callie's POV:

I put the Night-Lock Berries in a bowl and place them next to Tyla. We just met! And she seems so nice! Why would she want to kill me?

It's the Hunger Games Callie, it's how you win. I remind myself. I take all Tyla's supplies, and I climb out of the tent. The sky is getting brighter as the sun peaks through the trees to my left. The wind has picked up coming from the desert arena. I wonder which one I should run to. Which one would no one want to go in?

Well that was obvious. I may be young and very dumb, but I turn to Autumn, and start on my journey. So many voices in my head are saying Turn around! What are you doing?! You're going to get yourself killed! It's not too late to go to Spring!

I then hear Clove's. Callie. You can't do this. I know you think its smart, but... Please. I care too much. Just go back and kill Tyla.

Well it's a little late for that. I hear someone behind me yawn. I sprint into the Autumn woods, dodging every tree branch, log, or rock in my path. I get to the large mutation tree and think for a moment.

It's morning. They've already gone back in. I'll be safe till nightfall. But just to be safe, I take out a camouflage container. The directions say to take a piece of something and mix it with the paint. Then the paint will be that color.

I take a sample of tree bark and mix it around the container. I climb up in the tree, avoiding the tracker jacker nest, and strap me and my supplies on a branch. I then start to paint my sleeping bag.

Once it's completely covered, I put it over my head down to my feet, and over my supplies. I switch on my flashlight that I stole from Tyla, and get some food.

Being next to the winter arena gives me a few chills, but that's what my cover is for. The sleeping bag is insulated. I can survive in here for at least 5 days. Good thing there is only 4 tributes left! Boom! Make that 3... I peak out in a little hole in my bag and look to the sky.

District 4:


Now it's me, the boy tribute from 7 and the girl from 12.

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