3. Exams

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I didn't want to have to encounter Karly at school on Monday, but that wasn't really an option. We had both advanced chemistry and calculus together. Even worse, we had history together as well.

Matthew was in that class.

I was seriously dreading going-- I was thinking about just staying at Rory's house and taking a few days off, to maybe let things calm down a little bit between us. But who was I kidding, what was a few days going to do? Like I'd just come back and Karly would have forgotten about the whole stupid situation? If it was up to me I would never see that cheating bitch again as long as I live, but I knew we'd have to confront the situation at some point.

Plus, we had our calculus finals both today and tommorow. If I didn't show up, I would fail, and wouldn't be graduating highschool.

"What do you look so damn nervous about?"

I snapped out of my thoughts to see Rory staring at me, keys in hand, about to unlock the door and drive us to school. The thing is, I hadn't even told Rory about the pregnancy situation. I had only found out a week ago, and I had kept it to myself ever since. I didn't want to make too big a deal out of it, I just wanted it to be resolved with no questions asked.

Rory may seem hard to deal with, with his extremely dirty house and irresponsible attitude, but the guy's my best friend. When I was younger, I was shy. I'd always sit by myself and not say a word to the other kids. I was the only person I had, the only person I knew. Until Rory had come along and given me a chance. I was still shy and introverted, but I felt comfortable around Rory. Sometimes he made me feel like a totally different person. Sometimes I ask myself if that person is the real me, and I only got to see him when Rory was around.

That's how much he meant to me-- and I couldn't even bring myself to tell him.

"Just worried about the exams," I lied.

"Pfft," Rory rolled his eyes, unlocking the door and stepping out of the house. "Like you need to worry, it's me that does. I'm barely passing."

It was true. Rory barely wiggled his way through school with a D average. I've never believed he was actually dumb, though. The more I got to know him, the more strong and intelligent he seemed. He always gave me great advice and helped pull me through my shit. But I was probably the only one who thought he was in any way smart.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just go."

I followed him out of the house and to his dented silver Honda Civic. The second we got in, he ripped out an AUX cord and blasted 2pac. I held back a bit of laughter. Whenever Rory plays music, he gets really into it. Here he is, a blonde white guy in a Super Mario shirt and Slytherin house socks talking with a fake accent and trying to rap like a gangster. Rory actually was one of the nerdiest people I knew, though he wouldn't admit it. He claimed to be badass even though he spent so much of his time watching old superhero movies and classic cartoons. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that if I filmed this right now, he would end up on multiple Youtube cringe compilations.

He talked about a bunch of random stuff as he drove, basically yelling over the music. I half listened. I was thinking about Karly. I really, really did not want to have to see her. I just hoped it wouldn't somehow get worse between us and Matthew...not only was he a drug addict, but he'd always had a naturally explosive anger issue. I really didn't want to get him on my bad side. And I was afraid that would happen if it was proven the baby was his and not mine.

"That's why I fucked yo bitch, you fat motherfucker!" Rory yelled along to his music, hands not even on the wheel as he rocked out.

"Rory...calm down. You look ridiculous... And you're going to get us fucking killed."

My stomach churned as the school came into view. Rory turned to me with a confused expression. He turned down the blaring music.

"Dude...It's not like you to hate on lyrical genius like that... are you really that scared? Don't stress over this, man. You know you're gonna do great."

I smiled.  "Thanks, man."

If only he knew.


I was the first one done with the test. I had breezed through it, there was not a single question that gave me a problem or that I had to guess on. Around me, I could see people filling in answers with a mixture of bored, doubtful and confused looks. I almost always finish my tests way before everyone else, so I just put my head down on my desk and waited. I tried not to think about Karly, sitting halfway across the room. Even though her eyes were locked on her test, I felt like she was constantly staring at me. I'd felt like this all period. Like no one else was in the room, and it was just the two of us and the pressure between us. I had been correct-- that weight was definitely back on my shoulders.

I sat here feeling like this until all the papers had been passed up to the front and the bell rang, signaling the start of the next class. Everyone pretty much sprang from their seats, me included, and began filing out the door. I was just about to cross through the doorway, glad to be able to go somewhere that Karly wasn't, when I felt a heavy hand fall onto my soldiers.

I turned around to see Mr. Peterson, the Calculus teacher. His face was set in the same permanent scowl it always was, his dirty blonde hair falling just a little past his eyes. Though he never looked happy, he appeared even more serious than usual.

"Ricky," he said it in that calm voice that had a special way of putting certain students to sleep.


"Mrs. Robinson has asked me to tell you to go see her after the test."

My features crinkled in just an once of confusion. "Did she say why?"

Mr. Peterson shook his head in a way that almost seemed nonchalant. "Just something about not doing so great on her exam."


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-Mitchell Hisaki

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