x | supreme god in a child's skin

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The tribe had everything a tribe should have. It had customs and traditions. It had it's own beliefs, its own religion. It didn't have very many people, but the people it did have were brave and strong and tough.

Except him.

He was small and skinny and frail. He'd never shown them an ounce of courage or loyalty. The only reason they hadn't killed him a long time ago was because killing their blood was against their tradition. But they were ashamed to be forced to call him their blood. With pity they admitted he was one of their own, and they treated him like he was a disease. They often punished him in brutal ways: searing his back and stomach with metal, ripping his teeth out with handmade tools. All the punishments in the tribe were equally brutal no matter who was being punished. But he was punished the most. Because he was a disgrace.

In her ancient tongue, his mother would preach to the entire tribe about the reincarnation of the Supreme God in a human body. How the host would come to rule all the world. It would bring with it peace and paradise. The world as they knew it wasn't much. They only knew of the vast jungles and the villages scattered within and near it and a few other things. But it was more than a lot of tribes. They were a nomadic people. They traveled, and so they knew they weren't the only ones. Mother said she was sure that the world was even more vast than they ever could know.

But no one had any idea when the Supreme God would appear. Or who it would appear in. Or of it was already in somebody. But everyone always said it was in them. No one ever said it was in anybody but themselves. And no one ever ever said it was in the small, skinny, frail boy who was constantly getting punished by the other members of the tribe.

But he was just like the rest of them in one way, in one way only. He thought it was inside him. He thought he knew it was inside him. He thought he could feel something stirring inside of his blood that was more powerful than anything the tribe had ever encountered. He thought about it a lot, when he was hunting for the meat that fed everyone who despised him, when he cuddled with his tiger. He thought about it all the time.

And one day, they'd all know. They would see he was the Supreme God. They'd be sorry they ever looked down on him.

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