25. Greatest Sin of a Half-God

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"Hello, my precious, precious children!" Father bellowed happily.

"Hello, Father!"

Father stood up from his chair and put his arms out in a symbol of power, smiling. "First off, I would like to address the success of yesterday's elimination. It was our third one, and we removed eleven unwanted humans. But, today is special, too! Our beloved brother and son Casey has just returned with someone very important."

"Who is it?" Shouted a curious member.

Father paused, as if he was thinking about how to explain it to the cult. "His name is Xerxes Caprino. I believe he is a very important person. In fact, I believe he is a reincarnation of Xerxes I of Persia."

Astonished gasps filled the room, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Watch that attitude, Ricky," Father scolded in front of everyone. I looked down as people began glaring at me.

"Now, now," Father purred. "That's no way to treat a king."

I felt the entire room go horrendously quiet.

Then there were more gasps. Every eye in the room was now on me. I continued staring at the powder coated floor, wishing I was alone in my cell.

"Meet Ricky Alexander," Father stated proudly. "The new Alexander the Great! Cheer for him!"

On Father's command, the entire cult, even Rin, burst into applause. There was loud shouts and clapping, along with chantings of "Ricky! Ricky! Ricky!"

Funny, the cult despised me not thirty seconds ago, and as soon as Father began praising me, they suddenly loved me. Those poor little brainwashed idiots.

"Alright, alright! Calm down," Father said, and the frenzy immediately died. "Now, as you know, you are my demigod children. And I am a god. But, I'm still trapped in a human's body. It's holding a lot of power, and I'm trying to burn through it so I can really start the conquest. I plan to absorb Ricky and Xerxes to break into my all powerful form. I have been having trouble learning how to do this, but I believe it is only a matter of time before it happens. Within the week, I believe I will be in that godly form. My children, our time has truly arrived!"

The cheering at this made the cheering for me look like nothing. Absolutely nothing.


Father stated that after Xerxes was still calming down in his cell, and that we would be able to meet him after we had lunch. So, we filed into the cafeteria. I sat as far away from Rin and anyone else as possible.

But, as usual, things didn't work out for me.

The bitch came.

She smiled sadly at me. I glared back.

"What in the fuck are you doing, thinking I want to fucking sit by you?"

She ignored what I said, and went on with what she wanted to say. "So, the New Alexander the Great. Pretty impressive title, huh?"

I gave her a weird look. "What, are you trying to flirt with me again or something? Honey, I think we're just a little bit past that."

She laughed. Yes, she actually had the nerve to fucking laugh. A little annoying, high pitched giggle that clawed against my ear drums, driving me to a point of irritation and anger I didn't feel like being at right now.

"Don't you ever wonder?" She asked me, being annoyingly cryptic.

"Wonder what?" I humored her.

"What this place used to be? I mean, it has rooms, a cafeteria, offices...don't you ever think about it? I think it was a mental hospital. Or a jail. Maybe a youth detention place. What do you think?"

"I couldn't give a shit."

She  nodded. "I get that. But I do wonder. Where does Father get the locks for the cells, where does the food come from. I supposed he just has his ways. He is a....wonderful God and leader, after all."

I suddenly, I felt some of my anger subside. That pause in her voice, that little hesitation...it seemed almost doubtful. Like she didn't want to believe it, like she questioned it all.

I eyed her with curiousity. "You really think so?"

She stared at me, eyes full of emotion. A raw, powerful sadness. She closed them and sucked her lip in, as if trying to hold it all in.

"Ricky, you understand why I did it, right? I was...I was scared. I thought he was going to kill me. I... I didn't want to bring you here. I didn't want to bring anyone here. And I'm so, so sorry. I hope you can forgive me, but I totally understand if you can't."


Before I could finish, she took her empty soup cup and banged it against the table. Shards of glass went everywhere, emitting an ear splitting sound. She picked up a rather large, sharp shard.

"Catherine!" I yelled. But it was futile. It all went too fast.

So quickly, she sent the shard into her throat.


As someone ran to go get Father, I was thinking he doesn't know. He doesn't know everything. He's not completely super human. He trusted Catherine, but all along she didn't even believe him. He has a lot of power, he can do a lot. But he doesn't know. He doesn't know everything.

Father burst into the place, screaming various profanities, swinging his limbs in every direction, and causing a scene of general chaos among the population. As Father threw a fit, they threw a fit. It seemed as if they were just copying his actions. That's how brainwashed they were at this point.

Father looked at one of the tables, and as soon as he did everyone sitting on it was thrown off into the floor and the table went flying to the wall and crashing down with a nasty banging sound.

"Damn..." I whispered under my breath.


He was now standing directly in front of her, face a ridiculously dark shade of crimson. She was going red, too, and not responding. Father picked her up and slung her over his shoulder.

"Everyone, fucking calm down!" Father demanded. Just like that, it was perfectly calm as everyone waited for more directions from their fucked up divine dad.

"Go back to your cells. I have to deal with this. I will notify you when it's time to meet the New Xerxes."

"Yes, Father."

"And don't any of you be getting any ideas from this little stunt!"

"Yes, Father."

Yes, Father.

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