16. Undesirable

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Days went by. Or at least I assumed days had gone by, as I had no indication of what the sky outside looked like. Rather it was light or dark, rain or shine, hot or cold. Nothing inside the building I was imprisoned in changed, everything stayed the same. We ate, though I quickly lost track of rather whatever sitting on the plate in front of me was breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It was all the same shit, that bland soup and doughy roll of bread. Then we went to that worship session. The next one was always an exact copy of the last, with the screaming from the members and the violent instrumentals. It was a never ending cycle, one continuous loop. Along with the thought of being brutally killed, a fierce boredom had found its home in my mind. It was a peculiar and very uneasy combination, I soon found, to be so bored and fearful for my life at the same time. It was a mix I never would have known to be possible.

But despite the stress all these diverse feelings offered me, I managed to remain indifferent. I would not participate in any worshiping at this place. I stubbornly refused to eat. A raw hunger ate at my stomach, but I did my very best to ignore it. I knew I'd have to eat eventually, but right now I just didn't want to do anything.

Rin seemed to be the same.

What if everyone was like this? What if everyone here had these thoughts when they first got here, and gradually became what they are now? What if we are next?

This thought replayed over and over in my mind. What if it was only a matter of time before Rin and I became just like everyone else?

"You know.... I was just thinking."

I looked up from my dull, untouched food to look at whoever was talking. Casey. He seemed to have completely forgotten about his little fit, and was back to being his regular old self. "I look across all these tables, and I'm just so thankful for what we've been offered. If it wasn't for Father, I'd be nothing. I wouldn't have the family I've found in you guys, I'd still be living on the side of the road."

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Rin raise an eyebrow.

One of the girls sitting next to Casey smiled. "Father's greatness truly knows no limit. If it wasn't for his power, he would have never even conceived us. I'm so thankful too."

I raised an eyebrow as well, at the way she said 'conceived'. It was as if she was referring to her biological father rather than her cult leader.

"Why are you talking like that?" I stared directly at Casey.

He held his hands up in surrender. Apparently he hadn't forgotten what a 'jerk' I was. "Hey...I don't want any trouble, man...."

I shook my head. "I'm not asking for trouble, I'm asking why you're talking about him like-"

A scream filled the air, cutting me off. Everyone whipped their heads in the direction of the sound, to see one of the guards putting a white bag over a member's head and lifting them up out of their seats, slinging them over their shoulder. Another guard appeared, skimming the tables, laying his eyes on his victim, proceeding to do the same.

Everyone straightened in their seats, staring at the guards. I noticed a few people exchange nervous glances, and even some cross their fingers behind their backs.

The guards left the cafeteria, with the two members struggling within their grasp.

I turned to Casey. He was annoying as hell, but maybe he would know. "What the fuck was that?"

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