7. Unsettling Words

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I sat on the edge of the bathtub, phone and exam in hand. It hadn't taken very long for me to find a website that allowed you to translate a photo, but the first one wouldn't detect a language. Neither would the second. Nor the third. I was about to conclude that wouldn't be able to figure it out. It was probably just a bunch of random yet intricate designs.

I decided to try one more site.

The site actually looked pretty official and reliable, and it claimed to be able to detect hundreds of languages from all around the world, even discrete ones. But I was still thinking that this particular language wasn't an option on the site, and there was always the chance it was just a bunch of meaningless gibberish. But me being as curious as I am, I had to know.

I uploaded the file of a photo I had already taken to the site. A loading symbol popped onto the screen, one that depicted a hand madly scribbling something in a book. This went on for almost two whole minutes, and I was just about to give it up. Maybe picture wasn't clear enough and I'd have to take a better one, or maybe it really was gibberish. Why did I even think some little website would be able to detect it anyways? If I wanted to figure it out, I would probably have to dig deeper.

I was just about to exit when a message appeared on the screen.

No language detected.

I sighed. Why had I even bothered? There was no change from the start. Even looking up languages of ancient and foreign worlds brought me nowhere, as well as little known foreign language. I did not have any way of knowing what the strange message on my test meant, if it even meant anything at all.


Except the words did mean something, and it was probably in my best interest that I didn't discover that meaning. Though the ignorance to this language left me with no warning or indication of what was coming, if anything it was a good thing. It would give me my last moments of at least semi-peaceful living before everything would be taken over by terror. Yes, it was in my best interest.


God is dead but I'm going to save him. Kings fall from the earth with a brush of my palm. The palace of all humans is mine.


I picked up the exam, stormed out of the bathroom, went outside, and threw away the ripped up test in the garbage can by the street. I was curious, but it was no use.


"Why the hell were you in the bathroom so long?" Rory asked the second I walked into the room.

I paused for a second. "Stomach ache."

He seemed to have bought it. "Alright. You need any medicine?"

I shook my head. "Nah. I'm good."

I sat down next to Rory and grabbed a playstation controller, trying my best to flush the curiousity out of my mind.


My boss takes Burger King incredibly seriously. It's kind of sad, even laughable sometimes. He's forty-four years old and all he cares about is a shitty fast food place. When ever he's in, he tends to yell at a bunch of people over the smallest shit. Especially the people getting the orders together. He had been reprimanding a girl in my grade, Trudy, for putting cheese on someone's hamburger when they didn't ask for it for the past two minutes. I was kind of glad I manned the cash register and drive-thru most of the time.

I had been able to mostly avoid Karly that day, and I hadn't even seen Matthew. But my mom had tried to call again.

I declined it again.

It was probably only a matter of time before it was my mother who came angrily bursting into the Burger King. Or maybe I'd go home from school or work and just see her parked in Rory's driveway, waiting. I hoped with everything I had in me that that wouldn't happen. I had actually almost pressed "talk" on my phone, but I was too much of a coward to do so.

I finished ringing up a man's order. "Next!"

The man moved out of the way, revealing a girl that looked all too familiar.

She was back.


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