8. The Interesting Kind

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There was just something about her. Something mysterious. Something I was drawn to, but also something I couldn't explain. I didn't believe in that "love at first sight" bullshit, and this wasn't love. But I also never developed crushes on girls just by encountering them a single time. But I had actually been thinking about her. She was different.

I was glad she was back.

See how ridiculous I was? Getting so hung up over a stranger.

"Welcome back. How's the boyfriend?"

Fuck. Learn to control yourself, Ricky.

She rolled her eyes. "We broke up yesterday. He wanted to be with some other bitch, so I let him."

"Really?  Just like that? No fighting or anything?" There was one voice in my head yelling "talk to her!!" And another saying, "shut the fuck up and stop prying."

Apparently, I went with the first one.

She shrugged. "A little bit. You saw the other day. But, you know, if he doesn't want me, he doesn't want me. And that's his loss."

I was just about to reply when a raspy grunt from behind her interrupted me. I looked up to see an annoyed looking man raising an eyebrow. I sighed. I had been so caught up in this retarded little Burger King crush, on a girl whose name I did not even know, that I forgot I was supposed to be working.

"How can I help you?" I asked her, smiling slightly.

"I'll take another Whopper meal, for here."

"That'll be-"


I smiled again. Did she really eat here that much as to remember the cost of the meal? How had I not seen her around before?

I ringed up her order and started with the other customers.


She was still there when my shift was over. I still felt that same feeling, that unfamiliar bond I had never felt before. I tried to brush it off as I pulled on my black hoodie and made my way to the door.

I didn't make it.

I felt a small tap on my back. I turned around, and there she was, standing confidently and looking me in the eye, a smile resting upon her lips.


She didn't even hesitate. She just went straight to it. "I noticed you staring at me while I eat."

I felt my cheeks go red as embarrassment took over. I hadn't even realized I had been staring. If I had, I would have stopped. "Really?"

"Yeah. It's kind of cute."

Not exactly the response I was expecting. But it was the one I had hoped for. I felt almost all the embarrassment slip away. "Really?"

"Yeah," she said with a laugh. "Not just that, though. You seem cute in general."


She nodded, then paused, as if contemplating what to say. "Look, I don't normally ask guys on dates when I've only talked to them twice. But..."

My brow crinkled in a happy confusion. It seemed almost rediculous. Like some kind of sitcom where you just walk into a building and people just magically want to date you. I was actually kind of shocked... I hadn't expected this. Actually, I had expected the opposite.

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