28. Leopard Friend

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I felt the walls shake, and I saw them crack. I saw the powder that represented peace fly in tornados in almost every direction. I narrowed my eyes so that they wouldn't be filled with the stuff. I saw Father's chair flip on it's side and decorations fall onto the now cracked floors: plants, ancient knives, baskets... One of the knives was flying menacingly through the air, making the situation even more horrifying.

"I thought I had it figured out! I am not going to sit and wait any longer for something to happen that I don't even know is possible anymore!"

I couldn't believe he didn't notice how powerful he already was, that this was honestly enough enough to start a fucking army and take over the world. But he was being rash and stupid, not seeing things logically. And that was perfectly fucking fine. That was amazing, because if I actually make it through this, and he someone doesn't, it could all be over.

The whole room was shaking at this point. Objects were flying all over the place. The table Xerxes and I were tied to wobbled madly. I cold feel the ropes coming free from the force.

"Xerxes!" I roared.


"We have to fucking do something!"

The rest of the cult was screaming their asses off, asking Father for help, not even knowing he was causing this. I noticed Rin just standing there, like he used to, face holding that same expression he used to back in the cell.

Before us, Father was growing. He was getting taller, about a foot more than he had been before. His mouth was wide open and he shouted in the language. His eyes were closed and his head madly nodding in all sorts of directions. His shouts consumed the entire room, like the drumming, but a thousand times more powerful.

"What the fuck?"

The ropes slipped off with the force, and as soon as we jumped off the table, it slipped away from us.

I felt myself slipping as I struggled to stand up straight, and noticed Xerxes doing the same. Half the cult had fallen down to the floor, and the other half was barely upright. I saw Rin trying to walk across the room, but I didn't think much of it and turned my attention back to Xerxes.

I shouted at him. I pointed to the door if the worship hall, not ten feet away. We had to get there if we didn't want a knife in our face.

He nodded, and we struggled to the exit, bursting out of the room. If Father had noticed, he didn't seem to care. Or maybe he was just so caught up in the panic that he hadn't noticed.

"Dude," I yelled at Xerxes. "What the fuck do we do?"

"I don't know," he replied. "But let's get the hell away from here and figured something out!"

We began dashing down the hall outside or the worship room, still able to here the rumbling and screaming from inside.

I found myself worrying that all the walls and foundation would just come crumbling down on top of us, or that Father would just burst out in front of us and destroy us. When we were a good twenty feet from the entrance of the room, I heard a loud bang, metal on metal.

The door being slammed shut.

I turned around, and there was Rin, sprinting towards us.


"Rin," I breathed. "What are...what are you doing?"

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