24. A Few Explainations

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"But...why me? It's not like I'm the only one in the world with the last name Alexander...how does he know it's me? And how did he find me?"

"Hell if I know..."

I found myself wanting to huddle up in a dark corner, too. What if it was true? What if Father was right? I thought about what Rin had told me....maybe he was right. Maybe this was supernatural. Maybe I really was a reincarnation of an ancient king, maybe Father really was an all powerful god, maybe he really would absorb me. And maybe I would just die and just become another part of him. I contemplated how it would feel, having my very existence sucked out of me and added to someone else's. Father was right. It would make the Judas Cradle seem like a damn kiddie ride.

"Rin, there's no way it's true! I'm just a fucking kid! I'm nobody! I'm not Alexander the motherfucking Great! Not possible!"

Rin briefly took his head out of his knees. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Hell, with all the shit we've seen, it is possible! Maybe....Maybe Father is a fucking god! Maybe we should trust him! Maybe he really does have good intentions! Shit, maybe he really is my biological father!"

My mouth fell to the floor. "Rin! Why are you so mad? You really can't be serious right now! I know you're better than this!"

In half a second, Rin had bursted out of the corner, and was right in my face, fuming. "Then I guess I'm not good enough for you, Ricky! And guess what. I am fucking serious!"

With all the strength I could muster in my exhausted state, I pushed Rin to the ground. He let out a groan.

"You know what, Rin? You're just like everyone else here!" I looked him hard in the eye. "Brainwashed. You fell right under Father's spell. Just fucking like them."

Rin's features took on a pained expression. "Good. I'd much rather be like them than you."

He went back to his corner.

I think I just lost my only friend here.


The knock on the cell door came some time later. Even though I had no clue what I could possibly be in for whenever I went with whoever was there, I found I was kind of thankful for the opportunity to get out of the cell and away from Rin. While just a day ago I had been thankful for having someone to talk to here, now everything was just awkward. And I wasn't sure it was going to change.

The cell opened, and there Father was. He seemed perfectly normal, walking straight and not laughing like an idiot. Unlike usual, the guards were not behind him. I raised an eyebrow, wondering where they were.

"Oh, you're curious about the guards?" Father asked. "Yes, I finally dismissed them. I don't need them anymore. I have enough power on my own. Now, Ricky, why don't you come to my office? We have a bit more to discuss."

I nodded dumbly. He locked the door back, and I followed him down the hall with no protest. When we got to his little office, I stood in front of his desk as he took a seat.

"So, Ricky, do you have any questions?"

Of course I had questions.

"Why do you think I'm a reincarnation of Alexander the Great? How did you find me? How will you absorb me?"

"One question at a time, Ricky, ok?" Father laughed, but it was sane and controlled. "Well, your name was nothing more than a hint. There are a lot of people with that name. But you have something special. An intelligence. A sense of power. A sense of greatness."

"But how did you find me?"

Father took a long pause. He became kind of scrunched up, his hands grasping his jaw and his back arching. He looked almost fearful. Paranoid.

"I...I developed an eye. It just opened up one day. I knew it was my power becoming evident. I could see things. Faces. Names. I could see cities and the people in them. I could search. I just...found you. The eye...it came so quickly. Sometimes my own power scares me. It can be a lot to take in. Like when I was just out of nowhere able to move inanimate objects with me mind. But, anyway, I knew I had to get you. So, like usual, I sent someone I trust."

"Catherine...why didn't you send a guard?"

Father shrugged. "I never really liked sending the guards out in public. I did on Death Day, but I really feel unsafe when I do. I just send someone I trust. Catherine got you. I sent Casey to get the new guy. There's one other person I found I believe I can absorb. A reincarnation of Xerxes of Persia. I'm feeling really great, honestly. I have all my children. I'm almost done absorbing. Paradise is on its way. I'm sorry you won't be able to witness it, Ricky."

"Yeah. Whatever," I said. "But... If you absorbed the gods so easily...why is it taking so long to control me?"

Father chuckled. "Controlling you is easy. I've been doing it for a long time. In the city when you tried to escape, getting you into the church into the first place....certain high school English exams."

I felt my face go red.

"Yeah. That was purely experimental. I wanted to see how easily controllable you were. I think the question you meant to ask was how come I can't absorb you so fast. And honestly, I don't know. I've been trying. I'm trying right now, as we speak."

I looked down, a wave of awkwardness overcoming me.

"Oh, it's ok Ricky. Don't worry. It'll happen soon!"

He said it like I was excited for it. I wanted to explain to him that I wasn't, but I felt it probably wouldn't even matter.

"I have another question. How do you know your children are your children? Like... how do you know you have them all?"

I still didn't believe the whole god thing. But at this point, I was just curious about Father's logic.

"Well, they just come to me. I believe it's fate. I send someone out to find them. And, through fate, the right people just come to them. But, sometimes they mess up. That's why we have Calling of Undesirables. Any more questions?"

I shook my head.

"Good, good! Now, let's head to worship! I have a lot to tell my children today."

He got up, and I followed him to the door.

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