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It's been 3 years later since me and Jacob had gotten the divorce. I still remember that dreadful day. .


The judge sat in her chair and looked at both me and Jacob.

"Now, why do you two want this divorce?" she asked.

"I don't your honor," I said. "I still love him."

"But I wanna divorce, I can't be with you if your gonna abuse me and not trust me." Jacob shouts.

"Tell me from the start." The judge said. Jacob told her everything that's happened. I still can't believe that Jacob wants to go through with this. I still loved him. We been through so much, why take all that away?

"Why?" I asked. "I still love you and I know you still love me, you wouldn't wanna work this out? we been together since college, remember when you were blind? yes I bullied you but that was because I loved you and I still do."

"I can't Chres. . . ." he cried. "I just can't I need this for me."

"What about  me though?" I asked.

"You can live your life." he said.


"Oder in the court!" The judge banged her gavel.

"Please Jacob don't do this." I said. He shook his head.

"I need you to sign these papers."

"DAMMIT JACOB!!" I screamed.

I went on a rage, I threw chairs and desks around and the security had to hold me down. Jacob had a scared look on his face. I never seen that scared look before and it was at. . . .me.

Flashback over

So, I signed those damn papers. Ever since then, it's like he's scared of me. He comes over every now and then and brings the kids over and then leaves. I always ask him to stay but he just ignores me and walks out. Alianna knows what's going on now, since she's getting older, she's 8 now and it's hard to explain this type of stuff to a her. Omari and Deme are now 3 and they get along just fine. Speaking of Deme, I still can't believe he's not my son. I need to find Adalyenn, and ask her why? why put your son on me when you knew he was never mines? making me spend my money on him and shit. Regardless, I love him and I'll love him like he's my own child. I keep Deme to myself while Jake keep Omari and Alianna. I never been the same anymore. I miss Jacob and the kids being here, and I want them back.I be all up in this fucking house all alone with Deme not having Jacob in my arms. I miss him so. . . .


I laid in bed thinking about things, I hate that things had to end this way. I miss Chresanto, I really do. . .I don't even call him Roc anymore. Back in college, that was a nickname for him. A tear rolled down my face. I can't stop thinking about him, but I need to. I need to move on, that's why I go this divorce. I should go out and meet someone new. Yeah, and make me forget about Chres. I got out of bed and told my mom that I was gonna go for a walk. Since it was night time, I didn't go very far. Alot of things can happen at night. I went to sit down in a near by park. I saw that someone was in here as well. The man not to far from me smiled at me. He was kina cute too :) he walked up to me.

"Um, hi."

"Hey. . . ." I said.

"Um I don't usually do this but your. . . . .beautiful. . .I-I'm Craig.( It's not Prodigy, I just named him Craig, he's another Craig.)

"Hi Craig, I'm Jacob, or Princeton or just Prince."

"OK, so um what are you doing out here?" he asked. I sighed. Should I tell him about my life story?

"It's kind of a long story."

"I have time." he said. OK, I told him my story and I mean everything. By the time I was done, he looked at me shocked.

"Omg, are you OK?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just, trying to find my way again."

"Awe, well I'd be happy to make your life better."


"Really, listen," he took out a paper and handed it to me. "Here's my number, you can call me anytime babe."

He gave me a kiss and I was in love already! he walked off giving me one last look. I walked home and slid down the door.

"Wow. . . ."

"Who is he now?" my mother walked in with a smirk on her face.

"His name is Craig." I smiled.

"Don't move to fast OK baby?" she said.

"OK I won't."

I go back upstairs and check up on the kids they were sleeping peacefully. Just like me :) I go back in my room and my phone rang, it was Chres calling me. -__- I don't wanna talk to him. The relationship between me and him is just about the kids, nothing more.

"What?" I answered.

"Damn Jacob can we just talk about this?" he asked. "Why the divorce?"

"Cuase I know that's what I needed to do for me," I said. "I can't be in a abused marriage."

"Abused marriage? baby, I know hitting you was bad but I will never do that again."

"That's what they all say, and then they hit you again."

"Jacob that's not me."

"Well, to bad, I found someone else already, his name is Craig."

"Craig? no way, your not seeing him, your mines!"

"According to the divorce papers, you and me are no more." I said and hung up. I took a shower and changed into my P.J.s and got into bed, dreaming about my new soon to be boyfriend. . . . 


I stared at my cell and sighed. Fuck, who was this Craig and why is he trying to get with my Jacob? he's still mines! divorced or not he belong's to me and only me. I showered and got dressed in PJ pants with no shirt, showing off my Royal tattoo ;) I got in bed and sighed starring at the wall. I looked up and saw Dem sleeping. Sometimes I put him in my room for easy access so I know he's with me, at least I'm not completely alone. . .   

Well that's the first chapter, what do you think?

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