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"I can't believe you!" he said to me. "So, how long has this been going on?" I looked down.

"Baby look, I'm gonna tell you like it is. . . .he tried to rape me." 



"Yes, he had me tied up and everything. . . .and his kids were right there watching." I said.

"Idk. . . ." Daniel said. "I still think you were being slick."

"Baby I'm telling you the truth so you can change your mind about the divorce." I siad.

". . . . . .I still don't know what to do." he sighed. I took his hands.

"Baby, I promise you that you were the only person I ever loved. . . .that Jacob boy, he's a freak, a nasty freak!"

"OK OK," he said. "If you are really telling me the truth. . . ."


"I am." I said. Daniel smiled and kissed me. God how I missed these lips. . . .course I wish they were Jacob's but these will have to do. . . .for now. I will have my Jacob back, one way or another.


I woke up in the morning. . . .Sunday. I look over and Chres wasn't there. I smelt yummy food as I walked to the bathroom. I took a shower and went down stair. I saw Chres making cheese toast, scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Mmm, looks good." I said.

"But you look better." he smirked. Awe.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked taking a bite. "Mmmm! this is good."

"Lol, thanks, I try and I was thinking maybe the movies?"

"Ok, what about the kids?" I asked.

"They can go to your mother's house." he said.

"Ok then."

After breakfast we got the kids ready to go to grandma's place as me and Chres went to go to the movies. As I was getting ready I heard the doorbell, as I opened it, two guys pushed me down to the ground.


"Are your Jacob Perez?" the officer asked.

"JACOB!" Chres came running in taking the guy off me. "The fuck is your problem?!"

"Well Mr Perez your under arrest for the rape of Craig Persons."

"What?" I gasped. "I didn't rape him who told you that?"

"I did."

I saw Craig walk in the door smirking.

"You fucking nasty nigga!" spat Chres. "You know damn well what really happened!"

"What happened then?" the other officer asked.

"Well I was-" Craig cut him off.

"No time to explain, he raped me, and the kids were right there watching and crying telling him to stop."

"I didn'y rape you!" I yelled.

The officer came and handcuffed me and tried pulling away but the men were stronger. "Chres!"

"Wait you can't take him, he's innocent!" Chres yelled.

"Sorry we have to be in court to prove his innocence.


Great. Just fucking great. i have to go to court twice now? first Adalyenn wants her son back and now Jacob's being put into jail for no reason. smh. . . .fuck my life.

"Karmah's a bitch huh?" Craig laughed. I was about to punch him but the officer stopped me.


"Go to hell." I said. "Look, you can't take him he really is innocent."

"Sorry no can do, your gonna have to do this in court."

"C'mon sir, you can just believe him over that man!" I yelled.

"Sorry like I said, handle this in court." they all left, leaving me alone. . . .my phone rang and it was Adalyenn fuck my day!

"What?!" I yelled.

"Don't yell at me," she snapped. "Anyway they moved the case day to tomorrow, so be ready."

"TOMORROW?!"  I screamed. 

"Yes tomorrow, see ya there.. . . .baby."

I sighed and punch the wall so hard it made a dent.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I screamed holding my head. I broke down. So much is happening to me. My baby's in jail, Adalyenn's here to take the baby away from me and now. . . . . .just wait on it. Something else that's bad may come. . . . . .

Fuck My Disability! (Book3)✔Where stories live. Discover now