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"So how was it?" Shey and the girls asked me. I told them all about the sex me and Chres had last night.

"Omg let me tell you, it was amazing, he's so big like always" I fanned myself a little.

"Damn." Julie said.

I laughed. "Yes, he's the best I ever had."

"So where do you wan this wedding?" Breanna asked.

"I was thinking maybe like a small wedding this time, just all of us and family." I said.

"Yeah that's nice,"  Marcus said walking in. "You don't need a big wedding."

"I just glad that Adalyenn got what she deserves." Shey said in disgusted. "I can't believe she wanna go thought all that trouble talking about she wants her child back, and yet she's beating on the poor boy."

"I know, it's good the bitch getting life." Marcus said.

"Yeah," Chres walked in. "And I never what to see her again." I kissed him.

"Don't worry, we won't have to see her again."

"I wonder how she's doing in jail. . . " Breanna said. We all laughed.


I was in this hellhole -___- I looked around my surroundings I was gonna be here for the rest of my life. Carlos dumped me once he knew about everything, including me still having Deme in the house when he said to get rid if him.


"Baby. . . . .I have something to tell you." I sighed.

"What's going on? why are all these police people here, what the hell's going on?!" he yelled.

"When you said Kick Deme out, I didn't. I still kept him."


"I know I'm sorry I just couldn't do it-"

"And to think I wanted you to go away with me. . . " he shook his head at me. "And oh, FYI, I WAS gonna let you keep him. . . . but I was gonna give him away."


"I was gonna make a deal, and get the money I need."

"Your sick."

"Yeah well your fucking pathetic! take her out of here."

Then that was the last I've seen of Carlos. . . .

Flashback over

I never heard from Martin either. I guess he really never wanted to have kids. I hear he's still with Joyce after she defected his ass. Turns out they got cured and now, their still married and just forgot about me.

Fuck my life. Now I'll never see Demetrius again.


Me and Jacob were in bed discussing plans for the wedding. Jacob wants it to happen in a garden where there swans and flowers and just nature things.

"Oh It's gonna be beautiful and calming." he sighed.

"Yeah, I know," I put an arm around him and pulled him to me. "It's gonna make us whole again."

"Yeah. . .  " he sighed. "Idk why we split up."

"I never wanna split again," I made him look into my eyes. "I always wanna stay with you, forever and ever OK?"

"Ok." he said. "I will never leave you."

"I was so broken without you. . . .I'm glad that I have you back into my arms again we HAVE to make up them 3 years that we missed together." Jacob sighed.

"Yeah, we do."

So after that little serious moment we had, we resumed on the wedding planning.

I finally have my life back and it's finally here to stay!  

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