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It was morning which can only mean one thing. . . .  .I have my court case with Adalyenn. -____- she ain't taking Deme away from me, even if he's not mines. I woke Jacob up so we can get ready and go to the case. When we go there, I saw Adalyeen looking dry as ever. She gave me a look saying 'I'm going to win Deme back' I ignored it and faced forward. The judge spoke.

"Mr August, it say here that you have been keeping a baby boy named Demetrius, which is the son of Ms Adalyenn for the past 3 years?" I nodded.

"Yes ma'am but-"

"I'm not done yet, and it also says here that you have two other kids. . . . .did you take them too?"

"What? take them? no, their my own kids! and I have my. . . . .ex husband to prove it."

Man, I had saying the word. Ex.

"Mr Perez, your the witness. . . . .is it true?" Jacob nodded.

"Yes, he's the father, in fact I gave birth to these kids, with help from him."  the judge nodded.

"OK, Miss Adalyeen, your side?"

"Well your honor he's not telling you everything. . . . .I, honestly wanted to give Deme up to Chres so he can look after him while i went to Florida for vacation.

"No you weren't, you was with some guy-"

"Mr August!"

"Fine . . " I mumbled.

"Anyway, I kept calling and calling him to give me back my child and he just say 'No, no he's mines now' and kept him from me for 3 years. Now, I want him back."

"Is this true Mr August?' I shook my head.

"No, it's not true, she actually left for Florida with some other guy and which also brings me to my point. . . . "

I told everyone by the start, how I met Adalyenn and how I cheated on Jacob and how she got pregnant and said that it was mines, and for years.

"And for the past years, I thought it was. . . .until Jacob said it wasn't and I didn't believe him. They called Jacob to the stand.

"So tell us Jacob,is all that true, did you tell him this?"

"Yes, ma'am I did," he said. "I told him so many times, but he ignored me. Soon Adalyenn had sent a letter, which he told me she did saying that she was lying about Deme being his and it being someone else that didn't want him."

"And I have the letter  as well," I spoke up. "I have the security the paper and the judge read it. I looked over at Adalyenn and her face was red and angry. Ha.

"Is this your handwriting Ms Adalyenn?" she asked.

". . . . .  .No." Liar.

"Liar!" I yelled.


"Why don't you writer for us."

She have her a pen and paper and she wrote I smirked to myself. We got her. When he gave back the paper the judge frowned.

"She writes different then this."

"What?!" me and Jacob gasped at once.

"No, she writes like that I know she does." I said.

"Still wanna stick to your story?" the judge asked me. I nodded.

"Yes, I still know that I'm telling the truth, and she's lying!"

"I'm sorry Mr. August, this doesn't look good for you. . . .so I sentence you to 5 years in jail for the  kidnapping of Demetrius."


This when I know my own life was crashing down. 

Fuck My Disability! (Book3)✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora