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I woke up with my head hurting I groaned as I touched my head and held it in my hands. Then I remember everything that just happened!

"Alianna? Omari?" I called out but no one was saying anything. I started to panic. Where are my kids?

I went down the stairs to see Alianna and Omari tied up and tape on their mouths.

"What the fuck i wrong with you?" I shouted at him. "He's 3!"

"I don't give a fuck," he said. "Either have sex with me. . . . or your kids here are gonna watch me fuck daddy ma's brains out.

"They can't see that!" I yelled.

"Then do it!" he said.


"Ok then it's goodbye kids." he snapped.

"What do you mean by-?

I saw Craig holding a knife in his hands. . . .oh fuck no.

"Craig, please I know what your gonna do and i'm asking for you to not to do it!" I begged crying. "Leave me babies alone!"

"It's your choice. . . .you have sex with me, we good. . . .say no then I kill them and I take you by force."

I really didn't wanna do this but if it means that my kids will be safe. . . .I have too. God, I wish Chres was around. He said he'd be watching my every move :(


I was just passing thought to see if Jacob was home and his mother said he was on a date with Craig CRAIG! ugh! I told him to stay away from Jacob. I didn't know where they were, maybe I'd check his house first. When I got there, I was watching everything! I was beyond pissed I was FURIOUS! THAT'S MY HUSBAND AND MY KIDS AND THIS NIGGA WANNA KILL THEM?! I smashed the glass window open with my foot and gave Craig the most darkest look ever.

"Untie them. . . . now." my voice sounded dark and sharp as I walked inside the house. Jacob was half naked and so was Craig. Please ell me they didn't do what I think they did.

"Jacob? you had sex with him?"

"Chres he-"

"Get the fuck outta here nigga!" he yelled.

"And what if I don't? I'll make you, you think you could just take what's mines?!" I yelled.

"He's mines!" he yelled back.

"Your married!"

"Married?" Jacob questioned.

"No no i'm not married Jac-" I cut him off.

"Yes he is, he's married to some dude named Daniel."

"Craig? you lied to me?"

"He's lying to you Jacob!" he yelled.

"Like hell I am," I said. "He's lying to you Jacob."

"I knew we should have never came here." Jacob was about to get up but Craig slapped him down. That was all I need to fuck him up. I charged at him and punched him till I saw blood.

"DON'T EVER HIT MY HUSBAND AND KIDS AGAIN YOU HEAR ME?!" I boomed. I continued to punch him and punch him. Jacob got the kids together and ran out the door. Just before that, Craig got me and turned me over and started punching me.

"Fuck you bitch!" he snapped. I saw that he had a gun. I grabbed it before he could use it. The gun went off in the house like 4 times. Jacob and the kids were screaming.

"JACOB GO OUTSIDE WITH THE KIDS!" I yelled wrestling with Craig.

"I can't leave you!" he said.

"JACOB, GO WITH THE KIDS!" I yelled. He took one last look and ran out. before he did all I heard was a gun shot. A body was hit. I looked over and saw the body. . .  .it was. . . . .


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