The Breakup

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The Breakup

Your Point of View

A high school breakup consists of many things; heartbreak, anger, lots of crying, drama, and, in some cases, revenge depending on the terms of the breakup and/or side of it. Thankfully, my relationship with my boyfriend since freshman year, now the very end of senior year, ended somewhat mutually, you could say. Well, not really. Henry and I got accepted into colleges on other ends of the country. Literally. We applied to the same colleges as well as colleges in the same or neighboring cities, but our plan didn't work out. Henry got into UCLA and I got into Salem State in Massachusetts.

We've known each other since as long as I can remember, but we really got close in middle school when he was having trouble in math. He wasn't in my class, but I was one of the best students in the sixth grade, and the only one who was actually willing to tutor him. Henry was quite the troublemaker when we were younger. He never did anything worth getting suspended or expelled over, but he sure did know how to push the buttons of the teachers. After our tutoring sessions, we would just hang out at the park or get ice cream, Henry finally getting the courage to ask me out in freshman year. Up until the breakup, we would spend every minute together, whether it was dates or just lounging around at home. We were more than just boyfriend and girlfriend, we were best friends, and even though we might not be together anymore, and the tension is getting thicker, I'll always consider him to be my best friend.

Much to Henry's dismay, I was the one who sorta brought up the idea of the breakup. I just didn't want to hold him back. He'd be across the country with his beautiful accent meeting new people, and I'd be going to college a few towns over to take basic classes with a lot of the same people I grew up with. My life wouldn't change. I'm just a small town girl who doesn't like a lot of change, and who is a very big family person. I, being an over thinker, will just worry about girls he's meeting and I don't want that. I've always trusted him and he's never given me a reason not to, but I can't make myself not think that in the future.

The night I brought up the breakup, we were laying down on my bed, me mindlessly watching some show that Henry had put on but wasn't even paying attention to while he did his Chemistry homework.

"I still can't believe the guidance counselors made me take a chemistry class full of sophomores when they told me I only needed two years of a science class. This is complete bullshit." Henry huffed, erasing the work for an equation that he got wrong. "Babe, what would I do to solve this rubbish?" He whines, laying down on his stomach with me so that I wouldn't have to get up from my spot.

I took his paper and read the question, then looked at the equation he first used. "You had the right idea for the most part, you just didn't use the right equation. Use the Combined Gas Law instead of Boyle's." I mumble into my hand that's propped up on my mattress.

Henry stares at the problem once more and tries it again with the equation I told him to use, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion, eyes squinted, and tongue slightly poking out from his plump lips. He suddenly cheers and throws his arm over my torso, pulling me over to him and on top of his chest. He puts his hands on my cheeks and kisses my lips multiple times. "Boy do I have one smart girlfriend." He whispers with a smile, kissing me once more but more slowly. Any other day this action would make my heart flutter happily, but now it just makes me nervous and sad for what's to come of our relationship.

He senses that I'm not really into the kiss so he sits up, making my body be supported by his thighs. I look at the loose school tie around his neck and play with the end of it. "Love, what's wrong?" He asks, hooking his index finger around my chin to lift my face up. "You've been off, what's wrong?"

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