"Just drink your life away!": Part Three

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One Year Later


I need a damn drink, or maybe a smoke sesh.

I've spent the whole day running around basically. Today is finally Lisa and Aden's wedding day. The ceremony was beautiful, by far one of the best weddings I've ever been to. However this one the first wedding I was ever a Maid of Honor at. And let me tell you, it was exhausting. I had to make sure everything was going according to plan and make sure Lisa didn't get stressed out.

I'm possibly overreacting, but that's only because I'm extremely nervous to give my speech. I have it all written out, but the thought of standing in front of all of these people is a no-no.

So here I am, at the bar, trying to loosen up before possibly one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.

Just as I bring the glass of wine to my lips I hear a familiar voice, "Is this the beautiful Maid of Honor I've been trying to speak to all day or am I imagining it?" 

I turn around to see Heather, Charlie's wife. "Oh my God, Heather! Hi!" I set the glass down and bring her into a bone crushing hug. I haven't seen her in a little over a year, but we text every once in a while. Our lives have just been so busy that we haven't been able to meet up. 

"How do you manage to look better and better each time I see you? It's ridiculous." She says as we pull away. "How've you been?"

We get to catching up, my glass of wine long forgotten. It's always been easy with Heather. She was always so welcoming to me and made becoming part of the Cavill family so...fun. The whole family is wonderful, but her being closer in age just made us bond even more.

After a few minutes, she sheepishly looks at me. "You haven't talked to Henry, right?"

I clear my throat and let out a soft laugh. Before I answer her I pick up my wine and fake cheers her playfully. "It was only a matter of time." She crinkles her nose and apologizes  but I shake my head. "It's okay, I'm sure you had to ask. But I'm assuming you already know the answer to that."

Henry and I haven't spoken in a year. Well, a year and three days. It was hard in the beginning, and honestly even now just thinking about it makes my chest tighten. But I learned how to deal with it. I learned how to love myself again and how to have fun. I went on a little girls trip with some friends soon after we broke up and that really put things into perspective for me. 

"I didn't know how else to bring him up. I guess I really wanted to ask you if you knew that he'd be here shortly?"

"I figured he'd already be here but just hasn't tried talking to me."

Heather laughs. "You and I both know that if he was in the same room as you an army couldn't stop him from talking to you. He's doing so much-"

She's cut off by Lisa's mother's voice sounding through the speaker, "To start off our speeches, I'd like to welcome the Maid of Honor YN to the stage!" 

The whole speech is a blur to me. Talking to Heather just threw me off completely. I've been so busy today that the thought of seeing Henry hasn't even crossed my mind. This whole year I've thought of when the next time I would see him would be. I always thought it would be at the mall, driving down the ave, or maybe even seeing him slumped out in front of a bar. I never thought it would be here at the wedding.

I guess that's my fault though. We were all friends at one point. We all went to  school together, that's how Henry and I met. Our friend group kind of just merged and we've all grown up together. Although the past couple of years they've been distancing themselves from Henry. His drinking didn't just affect our relationship, it affected his relationships with everyone. Leaving him when he was struggling makes me feel guilty. It hurts to think of how he felt when I left him sitting on the floor a year ago. Imagining his face when he was proposing, and then how it fell when I not only rejected him, but completely ended our relationship. It eats away at me because I know the real Henry. I was with him for nine years. I learned every part of him, and no matter how things ended between us I know that it wasn't truly him that was at fault. It was whatever demons that were plaguing his mind. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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