*TW* Small Bump

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Song: Small Bump - Ed Sheehan

**Trigger warning**


This imagine might be too hard for some to read.

Henry's POV...

Together as husband and wife, we lay in bed peacefully, her body facing the ceiling and mine facing hers. She stares down at my hand rubbing small circles on her bare stomach and she laughs to herself at the sight of her growing belly. It's getting so big to the point where she can almost barely see her feet laying down.

I reach behind myself to retrieve the sonogram picture from my bedside table. I then smooth it out over YN's stomach. She watches me with a small smile on her face. "Can you believe that in just four short months our son will be here? Right now he's just a tiny little bump. We have no clue what he's going to really look like, and this little scan is the only image we have of him right now." I gently wiggle the picture between my fingers and then place it back down on her belly.

"I can't wait," YN huffs. "My back hurts. And so does my belly, actually."

I place the picture back on the bedside table and cuddle her stomach. I press soft kisses to the skin and rub everywhere my kisses aren't touching. "You're five months along. I'm sure the pain is just your uterus expanding." If my mates were here, they'd be laughing at my knowledge of my wife's uterus.

YN laughs. "Those baby books are coming in handy, I see."

"Shut up." I tell her jokingly. I look back at her belly and begin talking to our son, telling him that I'll protect him from anything. "I hope he has your eyes.-" YN shifts and scrunches her eyebrows in pain. "Baby are you okay? Am I hurting you?" I sit up quickly and hold her hand as she sits up from the uncomfortable position. She shakes her head and tells me her back is starting to have some pain, and closes her eyes. She tells me to keep talking to our son and that she feels fine.

Trusting that she feels okay, I do just that.


YN ended up becoming agitated in the position she was in. No matter how she laid or sat, she just couldn't get comfortable. She insisted that we get up for the day and go out for a walk in the park near our house. Doing this makes me excited for when our son arrives. I can't wait to take him to the park and watch him play on the slide and the swings when he's old enough. Just the thought of witnessing his first steps and first word makes me want to fast forward these next four months.

"Babe, help me up please." YN whimpers, and I get worried.

"This doesn't seem good, hun. You've never been in this much pain before."

"Well I've never been pregnant before, have I?" She rolls her eyes. If she weren't carrying our child, I'd be annoyed that she just gave me attitude when I'm just concerned for her. However, she is carrying our baby. A life. She can talk to me however she wants.

Once I help her up, she shoos me away to make her a small cup of tea. I hesitantly leave the room, to which she assures me that she feels fine. I take this time to call my mum to update her on YN. I'm sure she knows how YN feels. After all, she did have five kids.

She answers on the first ring like always. She's always so excited to talk to me now that YN and I are giving her, her first grandchild. She tells me that the severity of her pain doesn't sound too good and that we should take her to get checked, but that it just might be normal pregnancy pains. "Every pregnancy is different, and just because I've had five children doesn't mean I'm an expert."

Henry Cavill ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora