Catching Up: Part Two to Slow Dancing in the Dark

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Part Two to Slow Dancing in the Dark

Three Years Later

YN's POV...

Being back in my hometown gives me a feeling that I can't describe.

I've always loved living in New England. Four seasons, all so different and beautiful in their own ways. The winters can be so cold that they hurt, but the transition to spring is like nothing I've ever seen. The summers can be brutal and it's sometimes hard to distinguish exactly when it starts. No one listens to the calendars and when they say the first day of summer is. We usually just base it off the first day we're actually able to wear shorts and a tank top without needing a sweater later on in the day. Newport, Rhode Island is only 20 minutes from my house so the beach is a constant plan in my summers.

But the best time of year is the fall. The trees are bright and full, hot reds and oranges merging and then falling into crunchy piles on the grass. The weather is wonderful, mother nature not deciding if she wants it to be cold or hot, so she settles for the perfect medium.

Though it's not always cold in the fall, it's always the best time to get a nice cup of coffee (or in my case, a hot vanilla chai) from one of the only coffeeshops in my town. The large windows in the shop give the most beautiful view of the park across the street. I love to sit there and watch the people walk by, seeing their mouths move and imagining what they could possibly be saying to each other.

So that's where I am right now. I park my car down the street from the coffeeshop because tourists love coming here around this time of year for the scenery and one of the haunted houses we have. They always park their cars on the main street and lucky for me, the coffeeshop is on this street.

Today is one of the abnormally cold fall days. Halloween just passed and Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, along with that brutal winter weather that I love so much. As I walk up to the shop, I pull the collar of my jacket closer to my face and hug cross my arms.

The door handle is cold on my bare hands, but the feeling disappears as soon as I step foot into the shop. There are few people here thankfully, but the classic bustling noises of a coffeeshop still echo throughout the small space. The smell of coffee almost knocks me over, but I wouldn't trade it in for anything else. My favorite table is open so I make my way over to it before someone else walks in and takes it. I have the best view of the park and the tables near me will stay empty because it's an unspoken rule here to avoid sitting directly on the side of someone at a table. It's weird, but I won't lie and say that I don't like it. I enjoy my alone time and privacy.

I decide to just sit down and relax for a few minutes before I go up and get my drink and possibly a little snack. I want to soak in the season and how the 2012 Tumblr version of me would love that I'm sitting alone in a vintage coffeeshop in the fall. The walls are brick and wood floors carry throughout the whole shop. They don't have the same type of furniture which I admire. The tables are different colors and heights and the chairs are either wooden or cushioned. There are pictures of old famous singers, and of our town in black and white. Strings of white lights hang across the ceiling and drop down a wall towards the back of the shop, making the perfect accent wall.

 Strings of white lights hang across the ceiling and drop down a wall towards the back of the shop, making the perfect accent wall

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