Their Story

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*anything in italics means it's a flashback*

Third Person's POV...

Being with Henry after years of liking him has been a dream come true for YN. 

She remembers having class with him in their sophomore year of high school. At that point she had never had a boyfriend, no first kiss or date. Sure, she had a fair share of boys pining after her and admitting that they liked her. YN considered dating a few of them, but only because she didn't want to be single for the rest of her high school experience. But none of those boys interested her. She only had her eyes on one, and that was Henry.

He was so incredibly sweet. He was funny, always making her laugh in and out of class. They would joke around so much that their teacher often sent them to the principal's office. This didn't scare them though. Instead, they found a way to laugh even more and continued to text each other the whole school year about their rebellious actions.

They liked each other so much, but neither of them acted on it.

Well, YN thought she was acting on it.

She would put her head on his shoulder, batting her eyelashes in a flirty way and would ask him if he could get up and get her a piece of paper. He would always give in and would hang onto the feeling of her soft cheek on his skin for the rest of the day. She would stay up until the late hours of the night texting him, stupid jokes that made no sense but made them laugh because of how tired they were. They just didn't want to stop talking to each other.

YN just found it so refreshing that she found a handsome boy in her grade that was different from everyone else. From the way he dressed, to the music he listened to. He was unlike all the other boys surrounding her. He introduced her to new bands and artists, and she would spend hours trying to memorize the lyrics to his favorite songs so he could think she was the coolest girl ever.

However, these fun and innocent times were cut short. 

Henry, like most boys unfortunately, was desperate. He was desperate to lose his virginity, and was willing to get with the first girl that actually told him she liked him. So he started dating a girl that everyone in their grade knew. She was pretty and nice enough, so he thought that he could force himself to love her eventually.

They dated for the rest of sophomore year, and YN was heartbroken. She wasn't in love with Henry, that she knew. She just liked him so much and had never felt that way about anyone before. 

But because her and Henry were friends before anything, she was basically forced everyday to listen to stories about his new girlfriend. He would tell YN how pretty Madison, his girlfriend, was, and how happy he was. And since they had each other on social media, she would see his posts of her. One time, Henry sent YN a picture of his girlfriend through a private message and asked, "Isn't she so hot?" YN being a supportive friend, agreed and sent back, "She's very beautiful."

Madison became angry and jealous of YN's friendship with Henry throughout the school year. She would start fights with Henry about YN, forcing him to delete her off of social media. In class, YN would start to sit a row above her usual seat with Henry. She didn't want to start any trouble in his relationship, and when the drama began to intensify, she just didn't want to be around someone who let a girl ruin their friendship. Henry would try to make things right with YN, telling her that it was Madison who was being crazy and not him who was deleting her.

YN, when it first started to happen, would brush it off. But then Madison started to take Henry's phone without him noticing and would text YN hurtful things. This ultimately ruined their friendship, and YN was thankful when the school year ended.

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