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YN's POV...

The cool breeze coming from the open window makes me shiver beneath the blankets. Though I love summer nights like these, the crisp air makes me agitated and needy for warmth. So I turn away from the window and reach out across the bed to hold onto Henry so that I could cuddle into him for warmth, but I instead grip onto cold sheets. The moonlight gives me enough light in our bedroom to see that Henry is no where in the room which makes my eyebrows furrow tiredly.

He's not in our bathroom because the light is off and the door is open, and it's not like he's thirsty because he has a full glass of water on his bedside table. I wait a few more minutes before I grumpily stand up from bed and slip a robe on to see where he is. I check the other bathroom and then check his office that he only uses to play video games on his computer and practice his lines for movie roles. 

The only other room to check is our daughter's room; Jade. She's 17 and a bit...rebellious. So the reason as to why I'd think he'd be in her room is to scold her for either playing music loudly or for not sleeping to wake up for school in the morning. 

We found out that I was pregnant for Jade when we were 21. The two of us had only been dating for a few months and had met at a movie premiere. We were so young and stupid, but when we found out, we matured rather quickly. Henry immediately wanted to propose but I refused to say yes for two reasons; he only wanted to propose because he felt like he had to, and the other reason is because we hadn't even told each other that we loved each other yet. And besides, why rush into a marriage when you've only been dating for a few months? Something could go wrong in the relationship and it could've ended in divorce. So I wanted to be safe rather than sorry.

The two of us got married when we were 24. By that time, we had both grown up and we knew what we wanted. We had a small wedding considering we already had a child and we didn't really see the point in having a big, extravagant party. Henry and I love what we do and wouldn't trade it for anything, but the only thing we wish we could change is the paparazzi.

The paparazzi are those life invading pests with cameras that'll stop at nothing to snap an unflattering picture of you without your permission. They're also really rough, and because of that, Henry and I tended to shelter Jade at home. Keeping her at home most of the time was fine up until she reached the end of middle school. By this time her friends were having sleepovers and going to the movies and the mall, and she wanted to go, too. However, we just couldn't allow it. Our friends have told us about how they'd let their kids go out with friends or sleepovers, and then the next day there'd be a photo of their kid sleeping on the front page of a magazine. Henry and I don't want her life to be invaded. We want to keep her protected and safe at all times.

But now Jade is in high school. She's approaching her 18th birthday soon, and her argument is that she's basically a legal adult and can do whatever she wants. This prompts her to sneak out when we go to sleep and come back before we wake up. Henry has caught on to her antics, and I'm just waiting for him to freak out.

Sure enough, as I open the door to Jade's room, Henry is sitting on the window bench, elbows on his knees and hands clasped. His eyes don't leave the door as I walk towards him. When I sit myself on his lap and wrap my arms around his shoulders, he begins to rant rapidly. "It's 2am Y/N. Where is she? What could she possibly be doing at this time of the night? Like who is she even with? She's grounded. I don't care how much she protests. She is grounded. This is the last straw. I can't wait until she moves out. She stresses me out. I don't mean that. I love her, she's my little girl. But my God she is out of control. One of these days I just know I'm gonna walk into this room and there's gonna be some half naked bloke in this bed-"

"Alright, alright," I interrupt him, light laughing at his imagination. "calm down there Mr. Cavill." Henry looks at me from the corner of his eyes, the smallest of smirks making it's way up onto his face. He loves it when I call him that. Not in a kinky way, but he just loves remembering that he's my husband. His words exactly. "You were her age once."

"That was d-"

"-different?" I finish for him. He nods his head and I shake mine. "I know you're afraid. I am too. But I've come to the realization that we can't keep her sheltered all the time. She needs room to grow and experience things. How do you think she feels hearing her friends tell stories about their adventures and seeing pictures of them hanging out as a group, while she's at home in her room or babysitting her little brother. We had our fun when we were 17. Your mom told me stories about how you'd stumble in the house at 4am drunk off your ass after sneaking out."

Henry protests. "Hey, the drinking age back home is 18!"

I laugh and kiss his stubbly cheek. "You didn't start drinking with friends at 18, did you now?"

He rolls his eyes playfully and squeezes me hips, "I hate you."

"I'm sure you do." I touch my forehead with his and he gazes slightly up at me. "I love you too." He smiles and laughs that kind of laugh where air just comes out of your nose. He presses his lips to mine and wraps his strong arms around my waist. 

I can feel his stress momentarily melt away, until we hear soft footsteps approaching the room. We look up at the door and shield our eyes when the light is turned on. Jade is standing at the doorway with a backpack in her hands, and her eyes are wide when she spots us. "Shit."

Henry lifts me off of him and I sit where he was as he stands up and walks over to Jade. This should be good. "Yeah, 'Shit.' Where have you been Jade Ann Cavill? Who's backpack is that?" Henry pauses and sniffs the air with hands on his hips. "Is that...what...." He looks at our daughter, who is slowly moving the backpack behind her. "Is that weed I smell?"

Oh, boy.


I started this imagine last year but I just never had the urge to finish it. But here we are!

Thank you everyone for commenting on my last post, it means so much to me that you all still love my writing! You're all so positive! If you have specific ideas you want me to write then go to my first part in this book "Appreciation || Requests" and drop some ideas :)

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