Stone Cold

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Based on the song Stone Cold by Demi Lovato

YN's POV...

"Oh, YN! It's so lovely to see you! You look beautiful, dear."

With all the commotion and bustling of people in the Church trying to find a seat, I'm surprised that I can hear the voice of Henry's mom speaking to me. I turn around and see her spread her arms wide before she engulfs me in a bone crushing hug. I laugh as I hug her back, my heart clenching when she whispers, "We miss you," into my ear.

We pull away and I smile. Not a big smile, but it still counts. "I see you guys every month for lunch. You can't miss me that much!"

She shakes her head. "No, YN. We miss you."

Her words, where they mean so much to me, really hurt me.

When I was in my junior year of high school in my small-town, there was an uproar one day due to two new students. Our town hadn't seen any new people in years. Literally. The youngest person at the time was four years old. And to make matters even crazier, the incoming residents were British. Everyone was intrigued and was yearning to meet the newbies. Lucky for the teens, two of the Brits were going to the only high school in town.

One of those Brits was Henry.

I really had no desire to get to know the new students. If I was meant to know them, then it would just happen. I wasn't like the other kids in my school who crowded around Henry and his brother for the sole purpose of getting to say they were friends with the foreigners. I ended up having most of my classes with Henry, so a friendship was bound to spark between us. What I didn't expect, however, was a first love.

The two of us embarked on a beautiful relationship together. My family loved him, and his family loved me. We went to all of the school dances together. Every new movie. Every field trip. Every random midnight dip in the lake...together. Hell, even college.

Shame on me, though. From the moment I met him, he always told me that he couldn't wait until he finished school so that he could move out to a big city. He had his heart set on New York. He was sick of living in small towns. Henry wanted to wear suits to work and talk on the phone as he walked on the sidewalk. He wanted to look at strangers and meet new people, and hear the deafening sound of car horns and music blasting from people's car stereos.

A part of me always thought that he would change. I thought that if I was a really good girlfriend and showed him how great our lives could be in a small town close to our families, that he'd forget about wanting to move to a big city.

However, my thoughts were deemed useless, because we broke up a year after we graduated from college. We always argued about where we would settle down. I wanted to live in a small town where it snowed, and where I could trust my neighbors. He wanted to move to a big city where he could take a subway or train to work every morning. For that one year after college, the only reason he stayed was so that he could finish saving up to move. Then just like that, our six year relationship was over. He left with all of his bags and his dreams, and a large portion of my heart.

It's been 6 years since he left me, but now he's back.

He's back in the same town we met, to marry the girl who shared the same dreams as him.

I would've been over him by now if it weren't for his visits every big holiday, or phone call or text every week. He always made sure to call me every Saturday morning at 8:05 a.m. because he knew that I always set my alarm for 8, and that Saturday is my favorite day of the week. We'd sometimes talk for an hour if he didn't have a lot of errands to do. Even when he met Kiara, he would still call me. And even when I had a boyfriend, I would answer the call. We never talked to each other in great detail about our love lives, which I'm thankful for. Hearing about how beautiful she is and how much he loves her would only kill me.

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