We Belong Together: Part Two to Stone Cold

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Based on the song We Belong Together by Mariah Carey


Instead of going through the Church to leave, I decide to just sneak out through the side. I want to avoid bumping into any of Henry's family members as much as possible. I'm a very easy person to persuade, so they would definitely try to get me to stay for the wedding.

As I settle in my car and begin the short journey home, I begin to feel bad for leaving things the way I did. If I wasn't leaving for Boston tonight, then I wouldn't have spilled my thoughts and feelings to Henry today. My plan today was to show up to the Church and greet his family, and then wait to see him. I was going to briefly talk to him and then slip out right when he had to get ready for her to walk down the aisle. I guess you could say I did kind of do that. I don't think anyone would've noticed my absence anyway. His family would've been so busy making sure the wedding was going on smoothly, and Henry would be focused on getting married. And if you really think about it, I did follow through with my plan. The only difference now is that Henry knows I'm gone.

I just wish things weren't left so angry and sad. I also wish he didn't know how I still feel about him. How could I do that? How could I confess that I still haven't stopped loving him after six years on his wedding day? Part of me is happy I did tell him, though, because now I can start a new life and I probably won't see him for a while. The only chances we have of seeing each other are Holidays. And I won't have to worry about him calling me on Saturdays, that is if he ever decides he wants to talk to me again. There's only one phone company in our town, and in the towns surrounding us, so I plan to switch to a new company when I move. A new number to start my new life.

When I arrive home, I drop my clutch and my keys on the hallway table and sigh when I see the boxes in my apartment. The moving truck should be here at around 3 or 4 o'clock, and it's already 2. That means the wedding starts in 15 minutes.

'Stop thinking about it!' I scold myself.

For the next hour and a half, I busy myself by packing up the last of my things and cleaning my apartment. The only big items I'm taking are my bedroom furniture and my living room furniture. My new apartment doesn't really have a dining room, but it does have a kitchen island, so I can just eat my meals there. Thankfully the kitchen appliances are included, so that's already less things that I have to worry about moving.

I finish packing and cleaning with a few minutes to spare, so I lay down on the couch that the movers will thankfully be taking out of the apartment. My mind drifts to the fact that Henry is most likely already married right now. To how he slid the ring on her finger, and how he said "I do" with a smile that took up his whole face. And to the first kiss they shared officially as husband and wife, and how they were smiling through the kiss with everyone applauding. Then I think about how at the rate I'm going, I won't ever have that. I'm still hung up on a man that doesn't love me anymore. It's pathetic, really.

Finally, the movers and the truck arrives, along with my friend Julian. The two of us have been friends since elementary school, so it's going to be super hard to leave him. Every once in a while we'd have movie nights or take destination-less road trips. He's always been a supporter of Henry and I's relationship, but ever since he found out that I found out about the wedding through an R.S.V.P., he hasn't really been all that supportive.

Julian helps me pack some of the smaller boxes in my car and even helps the movers while I just stand and admire my apartment. So many great memories were created here. For starters, this was the apartment that Henry and I rented together. I remember the first night we slept here. We walked in with boxes in our arms, and then we spread a blanket on the floor of the living room and ate pizza right from the box. Life was so happy then. Simple. We found joy in each other. But now he finds joy in someone else.

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