"Just drink your life away!": Part Two

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The Next Day


Anxiety fills me as we approach the apartment. I left last night in such a hurry that I forgot my luggage. Waking up this morning was a struggle because I knew that I had to come back and get the rest of my things. 

"We're just gonna walk in and get your things as quickly as we can, okay?" Aden instructs me for the third time in the past five minutes.

Last night I stayed at my best friend's place. I showed up on her front doorstep in tears, almost fainting from barely being able to catch my breath. Her and her fiancé, Aden, stayed up all night with me as I told them everything that happened. They knew about Henry's drinking problem, but they didn't know I was finally leaving him. 

They saw how distraught and nervous I was to have to come back today to pick up my things, so my friend volunteered Aden to come and help me. We woke up so early, hoping to come here and quietly grab my things before Henry wakes up. But knowing Henry he'll be asleep until the late afternoon. The last thing I need is him waking up to see another man helping me essentially move out. 

Aden trails behind me as we walk into the building. He awkwardly pats my back in the elevator and tries to offer me words of encouragement, but the closer we get to Henry's floor the more I want to throw up.

The elevator door slides open and we can see Henry's door at the end of the hall, only two other apartments on this floor. We approach the door and I slowly unlock it, Aden stepping protectively in front of me. "Holy shit." He whispers.

The scene in front of us makes my eyes widen. The luggage that I packed before Henry got home last night was empty and my clothes were scattered along the floor. Pictures of us, furniture, and even the TV were knocked over, occasional holes in the walls as my eyes pan over the living room. I take a few steps in and step on a broken picture frame. I bend down and pick it up, seeing a picture of Henry and I on our first vacation. We were so happy, so in love. It used to be so easy with us and I wish I could pinpoint where it all went wrong, what happened that made Henry feel the need to poison himself.

I clear my throat and place the frame on top of a coffee table that miraculously survived Henry's wrath. 

Aden helps me repack my luggage and offers to help me go down the hall to the bedroom so that I can get my things. "It's okay, just bring that down to the car and I'll meet you down there." He argues a little but I reassure him that I'll be okay. He reluctantly complies and he says if I'm not down in 10 minutes then he'll be back up for me.

Walking down the hall with two empty totes in my hands, I can see Henry's door wide open. The sunlight streams in through the windows, casting a perfecting shadow on Henry's face. He's dressed in the clothes he came home in last night, shoes included. His tattoo covered arm is slung over a pillow, lips pursed and eyebrows scrunched as whatever he's dreaming about makes him squeeze the pillow tighter.

I can see his anger got the best of him in this room too. The blinds on the windows are broken, items pushed off of his dresser. He left my vanity alone, however, and just the sight of that makes my heart beat harder. 

I shake the thoughts out of my head and begin to quietly open up draws to get my clothes. Lucky for me I got rid of a bunch of my clothes last week because there were so many things I no longer wore. But I think a part of me was just preparing to move out and wanted to make things easier for when I finally decided to leave. The less, the better.

All that's left are my shoes. With another look at Henry to make sure he's still asleep, I step into the closet. When we first moved in here, he built be tall shelves to fit all of my shoes. I never used to have a lot but when he built this for me I had an excuse to buy more. 

I take the shoes out of the boxes and put them in the totes to save room. There's only one shelf left and it's the top one. It holds my "fancy" shoes. These are the expensive ones that I'd only wear to weddings or parties, and I can't let these go to waste. I reach up as high as I can. My fingers can barely grasp one of the boxes, and when I apply enough pressure, the box lurches forward over my head and slams onto the floor. I hold my breath and squeeze my eyes shut, hoping that the sound didn't wake Henry up.

Almost instantly I hear him shuffle in bed and groan out tiredly. Then it goes quiet, and a part of me wants to sigh out in relief, but then I hear him get out of bed and walk towards the closet. 

With my eyes still shut I wish that I could turn invisible so that I can avoid this interaction. "Baby," His voice is raspy with sleep. "You came back for me."

I open my eyes only to see his red rimmed ones staring right back at me. Even in his disheveled state he manages to look so handsome. "I just came to get the rest of my things." I whisper, my voice unable to go any louder.

He whimpers and steps closer to me. "Please. Please don't go. I fucked up I know I did but please don't leave me here. I've loved you for nine years, I can't be without you YN." His hands reach up to cradle my face. I can see dried blood on his knuckles and I cringe. "You make me so happy. I'm at my happiest when I'm with you. We've made so many beautiful memories. Don't throw it all away, I can change for you. I will change for you. I swear it. It was stupid of me to wait for you to leave me to realize that I need to do better."

By now tears are streaming down both of our faces. He's saying all the right words, but they're too late. He has caused too much damage on my heart and forgiving him so easily would only make things worse. He presses his forehead to mine and lets his hands slide down so that they grasp mine. "Do you still love me?" He whispers as he closes his eyes. I nod my head and he stands up straighter.

Henry rushes out of the closet and I hear him rummaging around in he bedroom. Before I could go see for myself he comes running back in with something behind his back. Suddenly he goes down on one knee and pulls out a little black box, opening it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

I gasp out and cover my mouth with both hands. "This isn't the perfect time to propose, I know. I've had this ring for years and I've thought of how to ask you to marry me. I never thought it would be in a situation like this, believe me. But I love you more than anything. And you love me. We can fix this."

"Henry..." I manage to choke out while beginning to shake my head. Then, from the bedroom, we both hear Aden's voice, "YN? You in here?" Henry's head snaps sideways as Aden steps into the walk-in closet with us. "Shit." Aden curses. He looks between the two of us nervously and Henry glares at the floor. 

"Can you just take this last tote? Give me a few more minutes, I'm sorry." Aden nods his head and picks up the tote filled with my shoes with ease. When he's gone, Henry slumps back and leans against the wall of now empty shelves.

I kneel down and take ahold of Henry's empty hand. He looks up at me defeatedly as a loose curl falls onto his forehead. "You asked me if I still love you, and I wish there were words that could express how strongly I love you, Henry. All the things you just said to me are the things I've been dying to hear from you for the past three years. But you have to understand that love isn't something I've been receiving from you. All my heart knows anymore is pain."

His eyes painfully watch me as I close the box in his other hand and set it on the shelf above his head. I lean forward and press a kiss to his lips. "I wish my love for you was enough to make me stay."



Henry Cavill ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora