Government Laws

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1. Curfew: All personnel must be inside their homes no later than eleven and are not permitted to make loud noises after midnight. Failure to follow this rule will result in having to pay a fee.
Exception(s) to this rule: Government job given, requiring the need to be out after hours.
- Security detail.

2. Wristbands: All children under the age of eleven must wear a security wristband to help control their ability, and to ensure no harm or damage come to them or any surrounding family.
Exception(s) to this rule: Children of Norms, or children with no ability are not required to wear one.

3. 1:2 ratio: Children have the possibility of gaining more than one ability. If so, please notify the government of their abilities before their sixth birthday, so that they may receive a second wristband to ensure their safety.
Exception(s) to this law: if the Child has no ability, they are not subjected to wear the wristband.

4. 2:1 ratio: Parents are allowed to have a maximum of two children, and more than two will result in a hearing at court, and a possible fee may have to be paid.
Exception(s) to this law: N/A

5. Violence: Children and Adults are not allowed to use their abilities to create havoc of any kind. Doing so will result in a court hearing and time in jail.
Exception(s) to this law: there are no exceptions. Violence is prohibited.
- If the defense does not want to do time in jail, they will be signed up for the army.

6. Appropriate Clothing: Children and Adults such as Black Widows, Warheads, Electrolytes and Acids must wear protective clothing, with clear markings that they are dangerous. Pyrokenetics must wear flame-resistant clothing.
- Exceptions to this law: Children and Adults with no abilities.

7. The Wall: All civilians must stay withing the wall surrounding the city. No one is allowed outside.
- Exceptions to this law: Military Officers are allowed to patrol the perimeter.

8. The Law of 3: Current Laws state that if a family is to have more than three children, or bring up a child with three or more powers, the are subjected to the Law Of Three, in which the government may, or under most circumstances, will seize them, and possibly have them removed from society if deemed a threat.
Exception(s) to this law: N/A

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