Ghost Whisperer

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Yo whaddup poptarts. Have you ever seen that kinda old show Ghost Whisperer? Its from like 2005. Well anyway its about this woman, Melinda Gordon (Jennifer Love Hewitt) that can see and speak to ghosts. She owns an antique store called 'Same As It Never Was' She has like these sidekicks over time, the first one is Professor Rick Payne (Jay Mohr) an anthropology professor. Then theres the shrink, Eli James (Jamie Kennedy) Payne was my favorite. This is gonna be like 3rd person Melinda POV if that makes sense.

Ghost!Cas Haunted!Dean

In November they put up an office in Grandview, right across from a little antique store.

By June the building, Sandover Inc, was up for business.

Melinda always thought it was odd to put a large company in little old Grandview.

Some people said there was something strange about it, but the company gave no reason for anyone to suspect anything. Until a secretary died in the building. No further details.

Melinda didn't pay much attention to that, until a tall and pale man showed up in her shop. A dead tall and pale man.

"Do you know what happened to you?" she asked.

He turned around and sighed. "So Dean was right, ghosts do exist. That bastard."

"Excuse me?" Melinda asked, confused. Her ghosts were usually shy in the beginning.

"My name's Cas," the ghost said, "I'd shake your hand but I'm kinda dead," he shrugged.

"Look I hate to put this on you but you're the only one that can see me," he started, "I need your help talking to someone."

Melinda nodded, "Okay is that what you need to get to the light?"

Cas nodded.

"Okay who do you need to speak to? Your parents? Wife? Girlfriend?"

Cas chuckled, "Something like that."

"Okay, lead the way."

Cas disappeared and reappeared in the town square.

Melinda walked with him across the grassy area.

He stopped right in front of Sandover Inc.

Cas directed her to the elevator in the lobby. They went up to the 10th floor.

Melinda peeked at the rows and rows of cubicles.

"It's the office in the back, says Winchester on the door."

Melinda walked to the office, many people giving her weird looks.

"So how long ago did you die?"

Cas shrugged, "About three weeks ago, Dean was on a sabbatical for the last two weeks but that ran out."

Melinda nodded, "So who is this Dean? Is he your brother."

"He's my boyfriend."

"Oh," Melinda said hesitantly. She had only delt with mourning people who straight.

"Please don't tell me you're a homophobe." 

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