The End

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Endverse destiel where Dean comes from the past to fix their fucked up relationship.

Dean hadn't realized how bad it was.

Cas was sitting upside down in a chair, his feet dangling over the back. He giggled at him.

From the very vague description of the angles falling and Cas losing his grace, he could tell things were messed up.

And Cas was high, that's all he ever was, according to future him. God, he was going to be sick.

He hadn't realized Cas got off the chair and was now moving to straddle his lap.

"Woah, Cas! The hell?"

He giggles again, "I forgot you were all manly man back then. This would be considered pretty gay, and Dean Winchester isn't gay."

He moves to get off Dean's lap when fingers grip around his hips.

"Wait, Cas."

He plops back down and tilts his head.

"Are we... together? I mean, in this time."

Cas snorts humorlessly, "We were and then we weren't."

He's afraid to ask, "...Why?"

"I'll keep it simple, you, well, future you, doesn't love me anymore."

"I do," he answers automatically.

"You're not the same person Dean, neither am I. I'm not an angel anymore, I'm not useful."

"That never mattered to me, you were always important to us."

Cas buries his nose in Dean's neck. "This is a lot of deep talk coming from a guy with the emotional maturity of a fruit loop."

He buries his nose in Cas' hair, "rude."

Cas lifts his head and presses a lingering kiss to Dean's forehead. "I'm gonna miss you, you're a lot softer around the edges than the Dean I have."

"That's saying something."

He tightens his arms around Cas' waist. "I do love you."

Cas pulls back and frames Dean's face with his hands. "I have always loved you, Dean Winchester." His eyes are sad.

The next thing Dean knows, Cas' chapped lips are pressed against his and there are hands in his hair.

It's not exactly how Dean pictured their first kiss, but it's the same burning intensity that Cas looks at him with sometimes. He knows he's returned that look more than a few times when Cas was turned the other way.

"What the fuck?"

Crap. He knows that voice, it's deeper and rougher than his now but it's very much his.

Cas pulls away and looks up behind Dean's head with wide eyes. A door slams.

Cas' head falls to his shoulder with a sigh. "Well shit."


Dean catches Future-Dean outside the weapons cabin the next day. Cas was still sound asleep in the bunk they shared. Nothing dirty happened, which Dean was grateful for, he wanted their first time together to actually be their first time. Wow, he's turning into such a girl. But he liked Cas as the little spoon.

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