Back to the Beginning

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"Hey Cas, you'll never believe this."

Cas looked up from the book he was reading and turned his head towards Dean.

"What is it?"

"That demon case we're working on. Well we've found out where they've been squatting."

Dean spun his computer to Cas, Dean watched as Cas squinted at the screen as he read.

"Sound familiar to you?"

Cas' eyes flicked up to Dean's face. "I believe that is where we met, at least, on earth."

Dean snorted, "Yeah. Pack a bag, we're going to Illinois."


After slashing through the horde of demons camping out in the marked up barn, Dean was leaning against the old table near the back.

He watched as Cas ran his fingers over a devil's trap on the wall.

"We thought you were a demon, ya know?"

"Yes, I am quite aware."

Dean chuckled as he looked up at the ceiling. "God, you were such a drama queen."

"Excuse me?"

Dean looked back at Cas, barely stifling a laugh at his expression. Eyes squinted, a single eyebrow raised.

"You were all, wait," Dean slipped outside, waiting for a few seconds before barging back in.

He threw the doors open, striding in with a comically serious face.

"In the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition," he said, voice cracking at how deep he tried to make it.

"There was lightning too," Cas said with an unamused face.

"Whatever, point is, you were just being dramatic."

"Yeah? Well maybe I should stab you in the shoulder then, Dean," he said barely hiding a smirk as he stepped into Dean's personal space.

"Whatever," Dean said, squirming under Cas' stare, "it was hot."

"Jimmy was quite offended."

"Is he, uh, is he still in there?" Dean asked, fidgeting a little.

"No, this vessel is completely mine."

"Good," Dean said grabbing the front of his trench coat and slamming their lips together.

Cas remained still for a few seconds before getting with the program, lips moving in synch with Dean's.

"Okay," Cas said breathlessly, "maybe it was a little dramatic."

Dean smirked, pulling him back in for another kiss.

This was a short and sweet, something to help with the recovery from the finale. AKF poptarts.

- Ely

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