Music and Lyrics

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Description: Cas likes to reference song lyrics. (emo bands) The story of Cas and Dean narrated by Cas and his lyrics.

They met in the hallway, in between fourth and fifth period.

Cas had earbuds in and didn't hear Dean yelling for him to watch out as he went flying, trying to catch a football.

They landed with a crash.

"The fuck?!"

"I told you to look out!"

"Oh, okay, well look out!" Cas said sarcastically as he slapped Dean in the face.

"Ow! What the fuck?!"

"Well I told you to look out."

Needless to say they both wound up in the principal's office.

"We do not tolerate this kind of behavior here," he said playing the role of principal with a capital P.

"You two need to work it out," he started, looking between the two of them with a smirk. "For the next week you will walk to and from all your classes together."

"What?!" They said simultaneously.

"And eat lunch together."


The principal smirked. "I think you two will become great friends."

Castiel side-eyed Dean. He wore his letterman jacket and a pair of clean, light blue jeans with weird thick soled boots.

Cas, in his distressed black jeans, Fall Out Boy shirt, and black converse, snorted. "Doubtful," he said, slinging his bag over a shoulder and walking out.

Dean pinched the bridge of his nose before nodding to the principal and following Cas.

"Hey, Novak! Wait up!"

Cas didn't slow down as he pulled up his hoodie and walked down the deserted hallway.

Dean jogged after him as he rounded a corner.

"Cas, I know we don't exactly get along, well we don't actually talk. But I'll go along with this whole thing if you will, okay?"

Cas didn't turn to look at him.

"C'mon man, say something."

Cas continued to ignore him.

Dean flicked his shoulder.

Cas turned to look at him with a irritated squint. He pulled a earbud of of his left ear, "Yes?"

Dean pulled a pen from his back pocket as he grabbed Cas' hand. "Call me, okay?"

Dean turned and walked off in the other direction. Cas stared down at the number scrawled onto his palm.

He put his earbud back in place and walked off of campus.


"Cas, what're you doing?!"

"Stealing your beer," Cas replied with a smirk.

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