Just Friends

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Okay so Dean and Cas are like best friends but Dean like openly hits on him and tries to sleep with him and whatever because he's like a Barney Stinson. Its been going on for years and Cas doesn't really care anymore because he knows Dean doesn't actually like him, but his boyfriend does. He cares a whole lot. And Dean hates Cas' boyfriend so he hits on him a lot around the boyfriend.

"What's up sugar tits?" said Dean with a smirk as he threw an arm around Cas' shoulders.

"Hello Dean."

"So, wanna fuck in the backseat of my car?"

"For the third time today, I'll pass," Cas said with a chuckle.

Dean shrugged, "Your loss."

Cas just rolled his eyes, "Better remove your hand before Jake bites it off," he said as he gestured to his boyfriend in the distance with his head.

"Jack can shove his stupid jealousy up his ass," Dean muttered.

"Why can you never get his name right, how can you remember my name when you can't even remember four letters?!"

"Well you matter, Josh doesn't," Dean said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"It's Jake!"


Jake walked up to them and automatically started glaring at Dean with his arm around Cas.

"Douchebag, get your arm off my boyfriend," he growled.

"Hmm, interesting offer, my counter however," he dropped his hand down to Cas' ass and gave it a squeeze, "is proven to be much better."

Cas rolled his eyes and smacked Dean's arm.

Jake was practically livid.

"See ya Cas," Dean said squeezing his waist, dropping a kiss to his cheek, and smacking his ass for good measure, before walking away.

"I hate him."

"I know," Cas said sympathetically, "but he's my best friend. You'll get used to him."


Jake grabbed Cas' arm and pulled him towards the parking lot.

From the distance Dean watched this go down. He muttered under his breath about how Cas deserved better.


Cas had done some begging (with added puppy eyes he learned from Sam, damn him) and set up a meeting between him, Dean, and Jake. To "discuss" their "childish behavior."

They decided to meet at some bar named MacLaren's Pub.

When Cas and Jake showed up together, Dean was already waiting in a booth near the back.

"Cas!" Dean said with a smile as he saw them.

Dean wrapped his arms around Cas' waist and pulled him him down into the booth next to them.

Jake suppressed a growl.

Hello Dean," Cas greeted with a smile, "so, how's Sammy?"

Dean smiled, "I still can't believe he lets you call him that, he barely lets me call him that!"

"Yup," he said with a smirk, "he said I'm his favorite brother."


"You know you love me," Cas said with a laugh. 

"You know I do. Sam's good by the way."

"Your brother's name is Sammy?" Jake asked, tilting towards the table to include himself in the conversation.

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